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An earthquake hits northwestern Iran, killing at least three

An earthquake hits northwestern Iran, killing at least three


In early 2020, attorney Meghdad Jebli made the radical decision to leave Iran and seek asylum in the West.

Al-Jabali, whose older brother is a key figure in the mullahs’ regime, left his homeland just weeks after Iran’s Revolutionary Guards shot down a Ukrainian passenger plane over the capital, Tehran.

All 176 people on board, most of them Iranians and Canadians, were killed after the plane bound for Kyiv was hit by a surface-to-air missile on January 8, 2020. Among them was Jabali’s nephew, a 29-year-old medical student.

After three days of denials and amid mounting international pressure, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards admitted to “unintentionally” shooting down the plane after mistaking it for a threat amid escalating tensions with the United States. The delay in Tehran’s claim of responsibility for the shooting sparked angry protests in Iran and increased mistrust in the mullahs’ regime.

The incident did not affect the loyalty of Jebali’s older brother, Peyman Jebali, the head of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting Corporation (IRIB), the state-run entity that manages all radio and television broadcasts in the Islamic Republic.

But for 39-year-old Moghdad al-Jubaili and his 43-year-old brother Maysam, the tragedy was a turning point. The two brothers soon went into self-imposed exile in Canada.

The brothers became critics of the Iranian religious establishment and members of the Canada-based Association of Families of Victims of Flight PS752, which seeks justice for the victims of the tragedy.

In an interview with RFE/RL’s Radio Farda, El-Gabaly said cracks within his family appeared shortly after he expressed doubts about the authorities’ initial denials.

“For the first two days, because of the videos that came out, it became clear to us that the plane was hit. We said that. I remember we had quarrels and arguments. [with my family members] During those days, he said.

“They reacted harshly and said that we have been fooled before [foreign] media,” adding that his relatives took the “position of the institution.”

tense atmosphere

In response, al-Jabali accused his family members of “ignoring” what he described as the “killing” of his nephew.

“that they [said] It is war after all and someone could have it [killed]. With such justifications, they would neglect to kill their own child.

Days before the tragedy, an American drone strike killed the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, General Qassem Soleimani, in neighboring Iraq. Hours before the Ukrainian plane was shot down, Iran launched missile strikes on US bases in Iraq to avenge Soleimani’s death, and Tehran’s air defenses were on high alert in anticipation of an American response that did not come.

Iranian officials later said that several people had been arrested and charged with a “catastrophic mistake”. No high-ranking officials were dismissed and none of them resigned over the incident.

Al-Jabali said he “couldn’t take it any longer” and decided to leave his homeland.

I was married and my life was separate [from my family]. Maisam used to sleep [at my parent’s home] night, but changed his place of residence,” he said, adding that they left the country weeks later.

Even before the Ukrainian passenger plane was shot down, Jubaili said he clashed with members of his family over their political differences. He said he participated in the mass street protests after the disputed 2009 presidential election despite his family’s opposition.

“My mother found out, and it led to a tense atmosphere in the house,” he recalled.

You don’t think you are safe

Al-Jabali said he has returned to Iran twice since moving to Canada. He said that during his second trip, he was threatened over the phone by someone who introduced himself as a friend of his brother, Peyman Gbeili.

He said the person asked him about his life in Canada and his visits to Iran.

At last he said very seriously, “I am now telling you in a friendly manner, watch your behaviour, and watch what you do.” You don’t think you are safe [because] You are not in Iran.

Al-Jabali said the person reminded him of the fate of Iranian journalist Ruhollah Zam, director of the popular opposition Telegram news channel, who was executed by Iran in 2020 after being convicted of “corruption on earth,” a charge often brought in cases related to espionage. Or attempts to overthrow the regime.

Zam was living and working in exile in France before he was arrested in 2019 under mysterious circumstances. According to media reports, the defector was allegedly lured to Iraq by Iranian agents.

Al-Jabali said the phone call removed any doubts he had about his decision to move to Canada. He said, “I became reassured that I no longer belong to Iran.”

Al-Jabali said that he and his younger brother Maysam are not only seeking justice for those killed in the shooting down of the Ukrainian plane in 2020.

He said, “I have always said that true justice will only be achieved after the perpetrators of the crimes of the past 44 years are punished,” referring to the clerics who came to power after the 1979 Islamic Revolution overthrew the Islamic regime.

Peyman Jabali downplayed his brothers’ decision to leave Iran.

“Similar incidents have happened in the past,” Iranian media quoted him as saying. His comments came shortly after a Time magazine interview with Maysam Jabali, who accused his older brother of being “responsible for the regime’s biggest propaganda machine” and of lying “to my face”.

Peyman Jabali (file photo)

“I saw his comments,” Peyman Jebli said. “I’m not sure how much that was of his own free will, but these incidents are nothing new.”

Peyman Jubaili was appointed directly by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and is accountable to no one else. IRIB has come under criticism from rights activists and the opposition and has been accused of broadcasting forced confessions and carrying political and religious propaganda.

Mojdad al-Jubaily said that many Iranian families have been divided as more people turn against the regime.

Iran has been rocked by nationwide anti-establishment protests since the death of a woman shortly after her arrest by Iran’s morality police. The ongoing demonstrations are the biggest threat to the regime in years.

“In many families, children and young people participate in protests while telling their parents that they are going to a party,” Al-Jubaili said.

By Gulnaz Esfandiari, based on an interview by Babak Ghafouriazar.




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