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San Jose Earthquake v. Seattle Sounders: Three Questions


Kickoff is fast approaching, but in San Jose Earthquake’s first game in four months, we are pausing all stops. We checked in with Jeremiah Ochan from SB Nation Sounder At Heart’s Seattle Sounders blog to get an idea of ​​how things might appear to earthquake discount Friday. Many thanks to Jeremiah for taking the time to answer my questions.

“Center Line Soccer” asks in the heart:

1. Let’s start with the obvious: how does Saunders feel about actual play in Orlando now?

They certainly say all the right things, starting with the belief that they see themselves as a defense hero. Like most teams, I think they think if this is their first choice in terms of re-starting the season and they are now here so they can also win something. Of course, the test will be how long this situation lasts and what it is willing to risk in order to continue. It is also clear from the way they appear to be treating Joao Paulo’s injury – he appears to have knocked out at least in the first two games – that they will not push anyone out of their comfort zone. I don’t think they need that, but I think they will be wrongly cautious and likely to use all five of these submarines.

2. I am curious if you think that Seattle will overcome the long layoff better than most teams because of its experience and success, or if it is in a worse position than most because it is unlikely that it will have any typical rhythm that will equal the stadium. What do you think?

I really don’t know what to think about as far as it goes. On the one hand, I think they’re mentally prepared to do that because they have a lot of experience. On the other hand, I don’t think they feel like they have anything to prove. To be honest, they may lose all three of their matches in this tournament and may not lose any of their beliefs themselves. I am not even sure that the critical class will hold it against them. Secretly, they may be fine with returning home early as long as they are all healthy. Does this freedom give them an advantage? Can. But it is also difficult to predict how this tournament will work.

3. Are there newcomers to the team this year?

The biggest off-season acquisition was João Paulo, but as I said, he might not be playing this game. Another big contract was Yimim Gomez Andrade, the Colombian midfielder who was playing in Argentina. It was too late and he was still getting all his squared cards when the season started, which is why he only played in one of the two games. Despite what we’ve seen, he’s a big, fast guy who looks well-equipped to be a strong league player. How it intertwines with Xavier Arreaga would be great to watch. Other notable signatures were the American Super League veterans Miguel Ibarra and Shane O’Neill. In fact, Ibarra finished the first two games and could end up at the start of this match as well. He has constantly put himself in dangerous spots and has actually one of the best XG games in the league so far and has an unauthorized goal of being an offside. Unfortunately, it didn’t actually score so we’ll see how it goes.

You can find my answers to Jeremiah’s questions on Aslam’s Heart.

What do you think? Leave a comment below.

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