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The tragic death and legacy of WWE legend John “Earthquake” Tinta

The tragic death and legacy of WWE legend John “Earthquake” Tinta


Home WWE The Tragic Death And Legacy Of WWE Legend John “Earthquake” Tinta

Earthquake was one of the greatest heavyweights in WWE, but his life sadly ended when he was just 42 years old.

The history of wrestling is full of great men. After all, part of the appeal of the job is seeing impressive physical specimens, not to mention that for a long time – arguably to this day – a wrestler’s size and strength were indicators of their credibility as fighting sports players. Among this field of top performers, few can be aptly described as giants or extremely heavyweights. John “Earthquake” Tinta, who was released at 6’7″ and 487 pounds, was among them.

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Related: 10 Wrestling Giants From The ’90s I Totally Forgot More Than Just A Huge Human, Even Though Tenta Was An Athlete. As longtime WWE CEO Bruce Pritchard explained on his Something to Wrestle podcast, Tenta was an incredibly strong athlete, not to mention that anyone who watches his matches can easily see that he’s far more athletic and dynamic than fans can expect from him. a man of his size. . He left behind a huge legacy in professional wrestling before his sad passing in 2006.

WWE Run and Feud with Hulk Hogan

After his sumo wrestling career and his start in a pro wrestling endeavor in Japan, John Tenta signed with WWE in 1989. It turned out to be one of the most valuable deals of the late years of the golden age. In particular, by virtue of its size, it quickly filled the void left by Andre the Giant and also gave it the eighth world’s body. Earthquake wasn’t very big, but being a fresh face to fans and moving incredibly fast for his size, he was instantly established as a major event threat.

Earthquake debuted with an attack on The Ultimate Warrior and went on to become a hard pressed heel, going on to attack Hulk Hogan on the set of The Brother Love Show. His signature sit-down game kept The Hulkster (in storyline) off for months, leading to a showdown between the two at SummerSlam 1990. Although Hogan’s body slammed and he defeated Earthquake there, it’s worth noting that WWE protected the man. Huge in defeat, suffer loss by counting. They went on to captain feuding teams at Survivor Series that year, then blew things up with Hogan last eliminating Earthquake to win the 1991 Royal Rumble.

Related: 10 Things WWE Fans Should Know About The Natural Disasters Tag Team Although Quake peaked with Hogan’s feud, he would still be relevant for the following years, mostly in the tag team division. Teaming with Typhoon as The Natural Disasters, the heel duo were credible rivals to The Legion of Doom before embarking on a less successful run.

The last stages of John Tinta’s career

Giants in wrestling tend to have an expiration date because their bodies wear out more quickly than those of a normal wrestler. To John Tenta’s credit, he remained a capable performer in the ring after his first run in WWE, in a multi-year stint with WCW, where his efforts included a forgotten gem for a match against Sting at Starrcade 1994. Tenta joined a crew of WCW superstars getting hurt by the gimmick as he turned from Avalanche led The Shark to wrestle under his legal name, to diminishing returns.

Tenta will be working with WWE again as well, especially as Golga – a large masked man in a South Park T-shirt. Something to feud with Bruce Prichard, Tenta appeared to be frustrated with WCW at that point, and the idea was to put him in a faction of giants with The Oddities. Pritchard explained that his choice to wrestle in a mask was largely due to the character’s reboot—not wanting to bring Quake back into the Attitude Era—and presenting him as a deformed character, thus the need for the mask. Tenta will reprise the character of Earthquake one last time at WrestleMania 17 Gimmick Battle Royal.

Death of John “Earthquake” Tinta

John Tenta quietly orchestrated a final chapter of his wrestling career on smaller international stages, including working in India, Canada and the UK, and working with All-Japan Wrestling for a number of storylines in his later years. As told by Wrestler Deaths, he revealed in a 2005 interview with WrestleCrap that he was suffering from bladder cancer. He is only given a twenty percent chance of survival, and it is later revealed that the radiotherapy had failed and tumors had spread to his lungs.

Tenta passed away in 2006, when he was just 42 years old. Especially in modern wrestling, when it’s not at all uncommon for premium wrestlers to work a full-time schedule well into their 40s, it’s heartbreaking to think about how young they are. He was the legendary big man when he passed away.

For fans who grew up in the golden age, Quake looms as one of the most memorable characters, particularly due to his feuds with Hulk Hogan. His size recalled Andre the Giant, and his wrestling style presaged Yokozuna’s coming as a super heavyweight. In the end, John Tinta was a man with a legacy worth celebrating.




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