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The city hosts a multi-agency exercise based on a magnitude 7.8 earthquake

The city hosts a multi-agency exercise based on a magnitude 7.8 earthquake


MALIBU – As part of its ongoing emergency preparedness efforts, Malibu conducted a multi-agency earthquake drill Jan. 19 at Malibu City Hall based on a scenario of a massive earthquake that would hit the Los Angeles area.

“If a massive earthquake hits the Los Angeles County area, Malibu could be cut off and without water, electricity, communications and assistance from responding agencies for days, so we have to do everything we can to be prepared to be self-sufficient,” he said. Mayor Bruce Silverstein. “It is critical that community members, business owners, students, employees, and organizations in Malibu work out their emergency plans and supplies so that we can all be prepared and resilient.”

The scenario was based on “The Big One,” a magnitude 7.8 earthquake that seismologists believe will at some point strike the San Andreas fault. The exercise considered the impacts, responses, needs, challenges and actions that will be faced by all agencies responding to the massive earthquake in Malibu.

Days after the exercise on Jan. 25, the city of Malibu reported on its website that a 4.2-magnitude earthquake and several aftershocks struck off the coast of Malibu. Although no damage was reported, the district was in direct contact with the county emergency management office, coordinating with county agencies to conduct damage assessments and develop public messages about the potential danger of rockfalls in valley roads in light of the many rockslides that have occurred during recent rains.

One of the main goals was to ensure that partner agencies were aware of, in contact with, and engaged with each other and the City, aware of Malibu’s specific risks and community characteristics.

City staff and public safety commissioners have been joined by participating agencies including the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, Departments of Fire and Public Works, CHP, Caltrans, LA County Metro, Pepperdine University, HRL, and the Malibu Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) , West Basin Municipal Water District, Socal Gas Company, Southern California Edison, SM-MUSD, cellular and Internet service providers, and others.

While a major earthquake on the San Andreas Fault is not expected to cause widespread structural damage in Malibu, the community could experience significant infrastructure disruption, loss of electricity, water, gas, telephone, and Internet service damage both within and outside the city. City, road loss in and out of the area.

The scenario was based on the Great Shake scenario developed in 2008 by Dr. Lucy Jones of the USGS and a group of more than 300 scientists, engineers and other experts. A 7.8 earthquake would cause severe and widespread damage throughout Southern California that would be much worse than the 6.7 Northridge earthquake in 1994. The 7.8 earthquake scenario projects over 1,800 deaths, 50,000 injuries, and $200 billion in damage (in 2008 dollars) and severe and prolonged disruption to all sectors of the economy and societies.

An important takeaway from the exercise was Malibu’s need to increase efforts to fully engage the community and integrate all community resources into the city’s emergency operations plan.

The information gathered during the exercise will be used to create an earthquake guide to help guide the area in the early days of a major regional disaster, and will be incorporated into the city’s Emergency Operations Plan update this year.

For details on how to prepare for earthquakes, visit:




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