Davao provinces suspend studies after a magnitude 6 earthquake
Many people were panicked by the tsunami scare that was exacerbated by false information on social media
Davao Oriental, Philippines – The ground shook violently when a 6.0-magnitude earthquake struck parts of Mindanao on Wednesday night, February 1, leaving a trail of devastation and sending people into panic, especially in the Davao region.
In response, the provincial governments of Davao de Oro and Davao del Norte canceled classes in schools and office work in local governments on Thursday, February 2.
Residents in the coastal towns of Mako and Mabini in Davao de Oro fled their villages in fear of a tsunami after the quake, but officials have since assured the public that there was no tsunami warning and that the source of the quake was on land, not at sea.
The suspension of studies and work in Davao province will allow inspection teams to determine whether the earthquake caused any damage to school facilities and government buildings.
damaged goods. Groceries fall off shelves inside a store in Moab, Davao de Oro as the ground moves on Wednesday night, February 1, 2023. Photo by Mawab MRRDMO
Davao de Oro Governor Dorothy Gonzaga announced the suspension of segregation and work in the province.
In Davao del Norte, Governor Edwin Jobe also issued a warrant announcing the suspension of all classes in public and private schools.
Officials in the neighboring coastal province of Davao Oriental said they were assessing the extent of the damage caused by the quake, Gov. Corazon Malanyawon said.
In hard-hit Davao de Oro, the earthquake was felt in Intensity IV to Intensity V, especially in New Bataan, a first-class municipality with a population of over 51,000.
Its effects were powerful enough to send people outside.
Students and teachers fled classrooms and medical workers brought patients to open spaces outside the hospital.
The earthquake caused damage to homes and facilities. Pictures and videos of things shaking and falling went viral on social media.
In a statement, the Municipal Office of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management in the town of Macau in Davao de Oro said that the sea water receded, but eventually returned to its normal level.
The earthquake was recorded with a magnitude of 3 in Davao City and a magnitude of V in Nabunturan, Davao de Oro. There are several cities in Mindanao, including Kidapawan City, Sarangani City, Bislig City, and Cagayan de Oro, among others.
The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) initially reported that the epicenter was located in the town of New Bataan in Davao de Oro with a depth of 11 kilometers.
Angie Dela Cruz, a spokeswoman for the Davao Region Civil Defense Office, said many people were struck by tsunami panic exacerbated by false information on social media.
She said it was difficult for local officials to reassure people that a tsunami was unlikely.
Dela Cruz said there was no government warning of a tsunami because the quake was caused by an earthquake, not by the sea.
She appealed, “Let us all come together to ease fears and panic among our community, as spreading false information only causes harm.” -Rappler.com
Sources 2/ https://www.rappler.com/nation/mindanao/class-work-suspensions-davao-provinces-after-earthquake-february-2-2023/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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