Didn’t you feel it? A small earthquake strikes near the city of Trinidad
El Morro, Colorado – A 3.1-magnitude earthquake struck near the town of Trinidad, which has its origins in El Morro, Colorado, late Tuesday night.
The initial shockwave was recorded by the USGS at about 11:36 p.m., and was later reported by 27 people in the surrounding area. Reports have also come in from the Colorado/New Mexico border near Raton County.
The earthquake was considered a weak-level earthquake measuring in light impact with a magnitude III, often felt by people but not resulting in damage.
Below is a modified Mercalli scale of impact levels that is designed to describe the effects of an earthquake, in a given location, on natural features, and on people or buildings in the area.
Modified Mercalli Densitometry
Intensity: Witnesses’ perceptions of harm felt by a very few people; It can hardly be noticed, it is felt by a few people, especially on the upper floors, it can be discerned inside, especially on the upper floors, but it may not be recognized as an earthquake. It may feel like a heavy truck is passing by. V felt almost everyone, and some people woke up. Small things move. Trees and poles may shake. It’s hard to stand up. Some heavy furniture has been moved, some plaster has fallen off. Chimneys may sustain minor damage, and chimneys may sustain minor damage. Significant damage to poorly constructed structures. Some walls may fall off. VIII Little damage in specially built structures. Severe damage to normal buildings, and severe damage to poorly constructed structures. Some walls collapse. (9) Extensive damage to specially built structures, and buildings that have shifted from their foundations. The ground cracked noticeably. wholesale destruction. landslides. X Most building structures, frameworks and foundations have been destroyed. The ground cracked hard. landslides. Total damage total destruction. Few, if any, permanent structures. Bridges destroyed. Wide cracks in the ground. Waves seen on the ground, complete damage. Waves are seen on the ground. Throw things in the air.
The Trinidad Police Department has not received any reports of damage as a result of the earthquake.
In the aftermath of an earthquake, tremors can be felt for hours and sometimes days after the initial quake. Here are some simple steps you can take to protect yourself in the event of an earthquake in the future.
Check yourself and others for injuries. Provide first aid to those who need it. Check water, gas and electric lines for damage. If any are damaged, close the valves. Check for the smell of gas. If you smell it, open all windows and doors, leave immediately, and report it to the authorities (use someone else’s phone). Only use the phone in an emergency, stay out of damaged buildings, and be careful about broken glass and debris. Wear sturdy boots or shoes to prevent your feet from being cut, beware of stacks (they may fall on you), and stay away from beaches. Sometimes tsunamis strike after the ground has stopped shaking, so stay away from affected areas. If you are at school or work, follow the emergency plan or the instructions of the person in charge, and expect aftershocks.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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