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San Jose Earthquake creates a driving experience for the masses. Modifications made due to COVID-19


San Jose, California (KGO) – MLS is back! In South Bay, San Jose Earthquake fans chanted from their private cars, on Friday evening.

Day of the match was subjected to some serious modifications due to COVID-19.

Related: Inside the bubble with Tommy Thompson from SJ earthquakes

In any given season, a warm summer night will allow “earthquakes” to play in front of 18,000 people at Earthquakes Stadium.

“We came up with the concept of setting up a watch party here at the stadium,” said Jared Shawley, chief operating officer of SJ Earthquakes.

This is the first time that team management has allowed fans to drive to the scene.

“The cars are 6 feet apart,” said Shawli. “Everyone needs to either watch the game folded with their windows, or if they roll their windows, they need to wear their masks.”

Shauli said that the Friday game attracted crowds of cars sold. He said the fan experience was sold out in the first three games of the MLS league, Back Tournament.

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Tickets to Earthquakes Stadium were free, although fans had to respond to the invitation in advance. Shawli explained the two viewing areas displayed for the Friday match, with a maximum of 50 vehicles each.

Fans at Tailgate Lot enjoyed the match on a giant video screen that included an FM signal of the match sound. Fans at the 7up Epicenter watched the match on a video board stadium facing Coleman Ave.

Not in the crowd, San Jose Ultras leader, is an independent super fan crew. Without speaking on behalf of the group, Dan Margaret shared his own opinion, saying: “From an ethical point of view, I cannot support this tournament. I don’t think they should risk anyone’s health for it.”

Earthquakes are located in Orlando, and play within the “quarantine bubble” in the American Football League – ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex at Walt Disney World Resort.

The team will play the championship without fans.

Earthquake player Tommy Thompson was on ABC7’s With Authority Podcast, referring to a silver lining.

RELATED: SJ Earthquakes Star Shea Salinas talks about the return of MLS, Chicken, Tex-Mex vs. Cali-Mix

“It would be really nice to communicate with your team mates more easily,” Thompson said. “Because playing on stadiums like the Mercedes-Benz stadium in Atlanta, you can’t hear anything.”

Returning to San Jose, while the chanting may be muffled behind the face masks, earthquake lovers are ready for any sense of normalcy.

Although it is undeniable that the new viewing experience is a major change in the way fans of professional sports enjoy during the epidemic.

Chaoli explained that after the championship in Orlando, the earthquakes will return to San Jose. There is still no trend as to what a fan experience might look like in the future.

“We are still working on all these logistics services at the moment. So, we don’t have a plan in place yet, but we will continue to work with the Santa Clara County Public Health Department and work with their guidance and status.” We definitely have a safe experience on the field, “Shaoly told ABC7 news. .

San Jose Earthquake hosts these free car viewing concerts at the Earthquakes Stadium, which is offered by Mineta San Jose International Airport.

Copyright © 2020 KGO-TV. All rights reserved.


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