Could Hurricane Gabriel Cause the Wellington Earthquake?
With the North Island already on edge after Hurricane Gabriel, about one earthquake in every 50 years has rocked the Wellington region. Gene Andrews, a seismologist on duty at GNS, said the two events were “totally coincidental”.
The 6.3-magnitude earthquake – which struck on Wednesday evening – occurred 50 kilometers off the coast of Kapiti. “It’s not often that we see events larger than magnitude 6 in the region… every 50 years or something like that.”
However, the quake occurred in the country’s subduction zone, the area where the continental Pacific Plate moves slowly beneath the Australian Plate – and often triggers seismic events. Andrews stressed that the earthquake was “not unexpected”.
“[There’s] “It has nothing to do with severe weather,” she added. “As we know, earthquakes are more common in New Zealand than the terrible hurricane impacts we have seen.”
Pressure can build up when continental plates attach to each other. This pressure can be released all at once, which we feel like an earthquake.
Sometimes, this pressure is released slowly, over days or weeks rather than seconds. Two swarms of “slow glide” earthquakes have been recorded so far this year.
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Scientists have denied claims that a hurricane caused the earthquake.
Andrews said researchers who study weather and activity in seismically active areas “with lots of small quakes” have found connections. Heavy rain can modify the frequency of earthquakes. She stressed that these are small seismic events that “most of the time” people will not feel.
For example, one study found that monsoon rains in India’s summer coincide with a decrease in the number of small tremors that occur in Nepal.
The Kapiti earthquake was 50 kilometers below the surface, according to GNS data. “It’s very isolated in terms of stress and pressure,” Andrews said.
From a geological perspective, the timing of the earthquake and the earthquake do not coincide. “In this kind of situation, the water takes a lot of time to seep out and interact with the system.”
According to the US Geological Survey, storms with very low atmospheric pressure (such as Cyclone Gabrielle) can trigger “slow slide” earthquakes – the kind that people don’t feel. But the jury is still out on whether hurricanes, hurricanes, and hurricanes affect faster and more devastating events, such as shaking Wednesday.
Andrews said the Hikurangi subduction zone is seeing a lot of seismic activity, whether it’s a typhoon or not. “We are in earthquake country.”
The quake, which occurred just after 7.30pm on Wednesday, occurred off the coast of Kapiti.
John Taunen, a professor of geophysics at the University of Victoria, agreed that the quake was very unlikely to be hurricane-related.
“The hurricane extends several hundred if not thousands of kilometres, but the pressure changes in the atmosphere are very small compared to the pressures inside the ground…and the increased loads caused by all the rain are also small.”
Instead, Townend thought a nearby “slow slip” event was the most likely cause of Wednesday’s quake.
Andrews noted that the earthquake and Hurricane Gabriel could lead to a similar effect: landslides. Wet conditions may make the ground more prone to slipping at the time of shaking.
“At 6 on the Richter scale, it’s really at the bottom line to cause slipping or rockfall,” she said. “The extra vibration might have an effect, but it would be impossible to pick them off [the effects of the cyclone and the quake] separate.”
Finally, hurricanes and earthquakes are events of great concern, Andrews said. “It’s always unpleasant to feel an earthquake. It just added extra pressure that no one needs.”
You can read more about seismology here.
Sources 2/ https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/explained/131245545/could-cyclone-gabrielle-have-triggered-wellingtons-earthquake The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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