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Campus rallies in support of earthquake survivors in Syria and Turkey

Campus rallies in support of earthquake survivors in Syria and Turkey


A refrigerator moved across the room in Majd al-Daei’s family home in Tartous, Syria, when the 7.8-magnitude earthquake on February 6 became one of the deadliest natural disasters of this century.

“My family and friends all woke up panicked at 4 a.m. The floor was shaking vigorously for more than a minute, and furniture was moving,” said Day25, a computer science major at Cornell Engineering and Cornell Powers Computing and Information Science.

The epicenter was far enough away that his family, friends, and most people in his hometown were safe. However, he said, “It was mentally draining for everyone.” “It’s a completely different level of suffering.”

The preacher is one of about 70 students on campus from Syria and Turkey affected by the devastation in their countries.

Taylan Ozgur Erkan 25, left, president and founder of the Turkish Student Association who specializes in economics, and Cededdaei 25, who specializes in computer science, help organize a fundraiser for earthquake relief on February 18, 6-9 p.m., in the Groos Family Lobby in Klarman Hall.

He is one of many students, faculty, and administrators who quickly rallied to create relief efforts and provide support for one another.

“The whole nation is in shock,” said Banu Özer Griffin, a Turkish language lecturer in the Near Eastern Studies Department of the College of Arts and Sciences who is from Turkey.

She and several Turkey-affiliated faculty organized a support group for students on February 15 at the Mann Library, as well as a vigil for victims of the February 20 earthquake, noon-1pm at Ho Plaza, starting with a rally in front of the Cornell store. From a cultural perspective, Osiris Griffin said, “We are recovering collectively as a nation.” “We’re trying to create that.”

Wendy Wolford, Vice Dean for International Affairs, sent a message of support to the Ithaca and AgriTech campus communities and affected students; The web page lists ways to help.

Most of the Cornell University students are from Turkey and Syria, not from the areas directly affected by the earthquake. Almost everyone knows someone who has lost a loved one, says Nilay Yapisi, assistant professor of neuroscience and behavior and a Nancy and Peter Minnig life sciences (A&S) investigator, who is from Turkey.

Feeling helpless, I began reaching out to other faculty members who had ties to the district; Together, they created a support group and vigil to reach out to anyone affected by the tragedy. These events aim to bring people together and face trauma as a group. “It’s important that we are together in times like this tragedy and not feel estranged,” said Yabecchi.

International students gathered together for a fundraiser for earthquake relief on February 18, from 6 to 9 p.m., in the Grouse family foyer at Klarman Hall. Sponsored by the Union of Arab Students, the Muslim Educational and Cultural Association, the Turkish Students Association, and the International Students Union, the fundraiser will include cultural activities, foods from the region, a live Syrian music show and a silent auction, says Taylan Ozgur Erkan ’25. President and founder of the Turkish Student Association, who is from Turkey. “We feel it is our responsibility to do something.”

Erkan, who specializes in economics (A&S), said the Turkish Student Association also held bake sales and put in various buildings on the campus to raise funds. “All the time I study, I think: What is my responsibility? Can I do anything else?”

He said even a small amount of money can help relief efforts. For example, you can buy a $10 tent to house homeless people. He said, “Everything matters.”

So far $178,000 has been raised for the Research Institute of Turkey through a GoFundMe campaign organized by Esra Akan, Michael A. McCarthy of Architectural Theory in the College of Architecture, Art and Planning, and she is from Turkey.

An architect and architectural historian, Akcan will speak at the vigil and call for the implementation of regulations, more robust inspections and anti-corruption measures in the construction industry in the region to prevent further earthquake-related tragedies.

Akan said she and other students and faculty from the region have found it difficult to focus on their studies and work while their countries are experiencing turmoil. They were suffering from two states of mind, she said: “One is dealing with a feeling of intense crisis and an unimaginable catastrophe for others. The other is performing enormous tasks and responsibilities here as if nothing had happened. It is really very difficult to enter this moment of double awareness.”




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