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Turkey and Syria earthquake: How do some people live so long under rubble?

Turkey and Syria earthquake: How do some people live so long under rubble?


When 77-year-old Fatma Gungur was pulled from the rubble on Wednesday, 228 hours after deadly earthquakes struck Turkey and Syria, she was dumbfounded and confused and asked rescuers: “What day is it?”

It was miraculous that it survived for so long under the rubble in Adiyaman, southern Turkey. But even now, nearly two weeks after the disaster, there are still men, women and children alive in southern Turkey and northern Syria, against all odds.

On Thursday, 11 days after the earthquake, four people were rescued in Hatay and Antakya, including a 14-year-old boy.

More than 41,000 people have been killed in the two countries.

It is generally accepted that the first 72 hours after a disaster are considered critical, and it is usually considered the golden phase for finding survivors.

More than 90 percent of earthquake survivors are rescued within the first three days, and there are several reasons for this.

“In general, earthquakes don’t kill people, collapsed infrastructure kills people,” Ilan Kellman, professor of disaster and health at University College London, told AFP.

In general, earthquakes do not kill people, and collapsed infrastructure kills people

– Ilan Kellman, disaster and health expert

Finding the injured before they lose consciousness, or succumb to their wounds and lack of food or water, becomes of the utmost importance.

In Turkey and Syria, the 72-hour window may have been shorter because the region was seeing heavy snow, rain, and freezing temperatures that made conditions very difficult.

Especially without water, Kellman said, “a lot of people would start dying in three, four or five days.”

Recounting his ordeal, one survivor spoke of urinating into a bottle and drinking it in an effort to survive.

Others were lucky enough to survive on tobacco and access to water.

Most of the people rescued in recent days did not suffer life-threatening injuries during the earthquake, which allowed them to survive much longer.

Survivor demographics also change over time.

“They tend to be younger and were lucky enough to find either a pocket in the rubble or some way to access needed items like air and water,” said Dr. Christopher Colwell, an emergency medicine specialist at the University of California, San Francisco. to Reuters.

The background of the survivors of the past few days seems to match that. The vast majority of those found tend to be younger and under the age of 45.

The mental state of those trapped can also affect survival, Dr. George Chiampas, an emergency medicine specialist at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, told The Associated Press.

People trapped next to corpses, who have no contact with other survivors or rescuers, may simply lose hope, Chiampas said.

“I hope someone will get to you,” he said, “I think he can save you another day or two or three.”




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