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I hope that the tragedy of the earthquake will spur politicians to fight for peace

I hope that the tragedy of the earthquake will spur politicians to fight for peace


The Apostolic Vicar of Anatolia in eastern Turkey reflects on the devastation caused by the earthquakes of February 6, speaks for his listeners with Pope Francis and the Pope’s continued support, and pleads that the plight of the earthquake-stricken peoples may not be forgotten.

Written by Antonella Palermo and Linda Bordoni

As the death toll from the earthquake in Turkey and Syria approaches 44,000, a humanitarian catastrophe is unfolding, with millions of people forced from their homes and relying on aid to survive.

The Jesuit community is on the ground in both Turkey and Syria organizing relief and coordinating with humanitarian agencies.

One of the hardest hit areas in Turkey is the Anatolia region in the east, where thousands of people have died, hospitals have collapsed or become uninhabitable, there is a shortage of electricity, and breakdowns or difficulties in connections.

Jesuit Bishop Paolo Pizzetti, Apostolic Vicar for Anatolia, coordinating the aid response for the region. He says Pope Francis’ constant appeals for prayer and support for those hit by the earthquake is a source of great consolation.

Bishop Bizzetti relates that he was in Italy on the day of the earthquake, for meetings with seminarians.

“A providential coincidence,” he said, because it might have saved his life, and because he feels he is most useful here, reaching out to his community and the people he serves, coordinating with humanitarian organizations to be able to provide the most needy support and assistance in the best way possible.

Pezzetti, who is also the head of Caritas Türkiye, is preparing to return to Anatolia, one of Turkey’s hardest-hit regions, in the coming days. In an interview with Vatican Radio, he said that the situation in the quake-hit regions remains volatile and is constantly updated.

Listen to Bishop Paolo Pizzetti, SJ

On Friday morning, the bishop was received by Pope Francis, who said he personally asked to see him to express his closeness and love for all those affected without discrimination.

A chance to stop and think about a war-torn world

Bishop Pizzetti expressed his gratitude and feeling fortified and supported by the Pope and noted that the earthquake is a great tragedy. But, he said, “it’s also a great opportunity to pause” and think about what war-torn humanity wants.

He said, “I hope that this earthquake will make all political leaders realize that peace is indispensable and that the only legacy of war is death and destruction.

“For this reason, at least as far as we are concerned, we must immediately cease claims and struggles for the sake of ensuring life.” Because life, he said, “is the supreme value,” and the lives of men and women are the supreme value, “even to God.”

“I hope this will galvanize leaders to strive for peace in the world.”

A man is surrounded by graves in a large cemetery in the aftermath of the earthquake in Kahramanmaraş, Turkey.

The Apostolic Vicar continues to reflect on the many effects of the tragedy he said we will be dealing with many years from now, “because there is a whole series of tragedies that come with this earthquake such as the loss of parents: the greatest tragedies are for children” survivors.

He was optimistic about the amazing network of solidarity that keeps them from falling through the cracks.

“We are confident that the people are good. The Turkish people are good, as they have shown for years towards refugees.”

“We are confident that there are relatives, people and institutions that will take these little creatures seriously,” he said.

Bishop Pizzetti noted that Turkey is one of the countries receiving perhaps the largest number of refugees in the world: “Afghan refugees, Syrian refugees, and Iraqi refugees.”

The local church is very involved in supporting refugees and ensuring their dignity. But he said the difficulties are now increasing.

“We had deaths among the families of the Syrians we were helping, and that also means helping people process these bereavements.”

Syrian refugees from earthquake zones in Turkey return home

Solidarity Network

The bishop explained that Caritas Turkey, a group of other aid organizations, and the whole government are working hard.

“But the scale of the disaster is really disproportionate to the workforce.”

“We hope from all over the world that we will continue to help and provide support, directly and indirectly, in various ways,” he said.

The ruins of collapsed buildings in the Syrian city of Aleppo

The situation in Syria

Regarding the situation in Syria where the Jesuit refugee service is active, the Apostolic Vicar said it was “still a largely unexplored area”.

He pointed out that the total number of dead, compared to Turkey, is not great, “but this is a country that has more than ten years of war on its shoulders.”

“This arouses people’s inner despair, it seems like an endless tragedy.”

Finally, he issued an appeal not to be forgotten: We know, he said, that after a few weeks the media lights have gone out, and an even greater tragedy for earthquake survivors will be forgetfulness.

Interview of Archbishop Paolo Pizzetti with Antonella Palermo, Vatican Radio




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