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South Wales earthquake: ‘My wife jumped out of her skin’ – residents describe the moment they felt the tremor | UK News

South Wales earthquake: ‘My wife jumped out of her skin’ – residents describe the moment they felt the tremor |  UK News


You’d be forgiven for thinking it was an ordinary Saturday morning in the valleys of South Wales – and for most people it probably is.

However, in the early hours of the morning, an earthquake was detected.

The epicenter was about 10km north of Ebbw Vale/Tredegar, but the impact was felt over a vast area of ​​South Wales – to varying degrees.

Kylie Taviner lives in Winnshire, on the Rhonda Sinon TAV.

She told Sky News she was lying in bed watching Netflix when she “felt like someone picked up the bed and dropped it”.

Her initial reaction was: “What the hell is that?” Then she went to Facebook and saw reports of an earthquake.

The earthquake also awakens Kylie’s dog, Riley.

“Usually when he’s in bed, he stays in bed,” she said. “He just got up and walked around a bit, puffing.”

Kylie said she saw no damage in the aftermath of the quake, but her friends also told her they felt “their house shook.”

Image: Kylie Taviner describes what she felt during the earthquake

‘The whole house shuddered’

Howard Smith runs a bed and breakfast near Ystrad Mynach in the Rhymney Valley.

He told Sky News: “I was actually reading a little bit of news on my mobile phone and my wife was sleeping next to me and then the whole house shuddered.”

“My wife jumped out of her skin and jumped out of bed, and I put on my dressing gown because I thought something had broken inside the house.

“I was wondering and there was nothing in the house like that that was damaged or broken or fell off and then I moved out.”

Photo: Pic: Tomos Evans

Howard is no stranger to earthquakes—I experienced earthquakes in Dusseldorf, Germany, when he was there with the military, and a small earthquake has struck his home in the Dales once since he moved six years ago.

“All in my mind I kept thinking, was that an earthquake?” he added.

But despite the shake, it was clear that the guests at the B&B still slept well during the night as they said they “all slept through the night at breakfast on Saturday morning”.

Read more: An earthquake was felt in South Wales as the midnight quake caused houses and walls to shake

Image: An image from the British Geological Survey showing how the earthquake was recorded in Wales

“terrifying experience”

Stevie Williams lives in Merthyr Tydfil and initially thought a lorry had entered the ‘front of the house’, adding that it was a ‘terrifying experience’.

“I think it was a little after midnight. My wife and I were watching TV in bed when there was a little rumble and then what she described as like a truck driving into the front of the house,” he said.

There was a knock on the front door, and I knew it was our house that had been bombed.

“I ran downstairs, I ran outside, and obviously there wasn’t a truck out there, and people were coming out into the street yelling ‘Did you hear that?'” Did you just feel that? And they were on their phones with friends and family and felt the same thing a few miles away, so I started to realize we had some kind of earthquake.”




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