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Turkey: Earthquake Situation Report 2023 No. 5, as of February 27, 2023 – Turkey

Turkey: Earthquake Situation Report 2023 No.  5, as of February 27, 2023 – Turkey



This report was prepared by the OCHA Turkey mission in cooperation with humanitarian partners and covers the humanitarian situation and the earthquake response in Turkey. The updates provided on emergency response activities reflect a snapshot rather than a comprehensive representation of all ongoing response efforts.

The main characters

9.1 million people directly affected 44,000 killed 108,000 injured 2.2 million displaced 1.9 million people living in temporary shelter

Status update

Death toll: 44,374 people died due to earthquakes Displacement/evacuations: 2.2 million people left the area, of which 5,281,463 people were evacuated and relocated by the Turkish authorities People in shelters: 1.9 million people living in tents and temporary shelter aftershocks: 9,136 aftershocks occurred Still building damage: 164,321 collapsed or severely damaged buildings (520,000 independent units) Debris: 116 – 210 million tons of rubble generated by earthquakes (compared to about 13 million tons of rubble generated in the 1999 Marmara earthquake)

Funding update

The UN Flash Appeal (available in English and Turkish), which was launched on 16 February 2023 for US$1 billion to assist 5.2 million people affected by the earthquake by April 2023, is 7.2% funded as of 27 February 2023 with $72 million.

Humanitarian response update

The earthquake response is led by the Government of Turkey, in coordination through Turkey’s Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) with the Turkish Red Crescent (TRC) and other national partners.

As of February 25, 2023, AFAD reports that three international urban search and rescue (USAR) teams remain active on the ground from two countries. As of February 24, the Government of Turkey has provided more than 72.6 million hot meals, 30 million bottles of water and other food items distributed through the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Disaster Management and Food, Ministry of National Defense, Gendarmerie and partner local NGOs via 370 mobile kitchens, As reported by AFAD.

In addition, the Government of Turkey reported providing critical psychosocial support to a total of 911,942 affected individuals in four (4) mobile social service centers across Kahramanmaras, Hatay, Osmaniye and Malatya provinces.

To meet urgent shelter needs, the authorities have erected 335,382 tents which have been shipped in by the ministries as well as other local and international partners, according to the latest news release from the Disaster and Emergency Management Agency on February 24.

As of February 24, UNDP has dispatched 160 770-liter waste containers, 54,000 kg of quicklime, and 10,400 liters of disinfectant to support municipal authorities in waste collection and transportation; Debris clearing. and provide clean water.

As of February 24, UNFPA has reached 6,648 individuals with more than 6,300 dignity and maternity kits as well as reproductive health goods and services provided across 5 fixed service units and 7 mobile units in Adana, Diyarbakir, Hatay, Sanliurfa and Adiyaman. Through UNFPA-supported service units in Mersin and Ankara, vital reproductive health services and services for survivors of violence against women and girls are also available to those evacuees from earthquake-affected areas.

Private Sector Contributions: The Turkish Business and Business Confederation, the local network of the Business Connectivity Initiative of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs – UNDP, reported in-kind and cash donations of more than US$11 million as of 21 February. The delivery of 176 trucks with food and non-food donations nutritional. Food. These items include more than 21,000 blankets, 391 shelter containers, more than 1,000 tents, 15,000 beds, 4 soup kitchens, 3 mobile kitchens, 100 portable toilets and showers, 3 generators and 1,000 heaters for the affected areas.

Disclaimer United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs To learn more about OCHA’s activities, please visit




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