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The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on Turkey to drop criminal charges against journalists for covering the earthquake

The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on Turkey to drop criminal charges against journalists for covering the earthquake


Journalists Gokhan Uzbek and Amat Brothers

The Committee to Protect Journalists called on Turkey to ensure that journalists do not face criminal charges over coverage of the recent earthquakes in the country and to immediately release two journalists detained for their work.

Brothers Ali and Ibrahim Emat, both local journalists, were arrested pending trial in Osmaniye, one of the provinces hit by the earthquake in February, over social media posts questioning authorities about tents allegedly withheld from earthquake victims in the province.

Gokhan Ozbek, publisher of the independent news website and online broadcasting platform 23 Derece, was detained briefly on Wednesday because of his work.

“Turkish authorities’ attempts to impede reporting and intimidate journalists in the aftermath of the terrible earthquakes that hit the country show that even a natural disaster is not enough to stop their harassment of the press,” said Ozgur Ögrit, CPJ Turkey representative. “The authorities should immediately release journalists Ali Esmat and Ibrahim Imad, drop any investigation into the Gokhan Ozbek case, and ensure that media outlets are not targeted for their work.”

Journalists reporting on the shortcomings of the government’s response to the earthquake face enormous pressure. Last week, Turkey’s media watchdog sanctioned three TV stations for reporting critical of the government’s post-earthquake response.

The Amat brothers demanded an explanation from the Turkish authorities on social media over the allegations that tents brought to Osmaniye were banned for those made homeless by the earthquake.

Sinan Aygül, a local journalist in eastern Turkey, has become the first journalist to be convicted under Turkey’s controversial new media law for covering an alleged child abuse case. Aygül was given a suspended 10-month prison sentence at the first session of his trial on 28 February.

Aygul, editor-in-chief of Bitlis News and president of the Bitlis Journalists Association, was arrested after he wrote on Twitter that a 14-year-old girl had been sexually assaulted by a police officer and a soldier.

The law, passed by parliament and signed into law by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in October, has drawn widespread criticism from rights groups and the opposition over accusations that it will further cripple freedom of expression in Turkey.

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