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Prince William and Princess Kate thank the earthquake relief organizers who helped Turkey and Syria

Prince William and Princess Kate thank the earthquake relief organizers who helped Turkey and Syria


During their latest trip, Prince William and Princess Kate showed their appreciation for the aid workers in Turkey and Syria who helped in the aftermath of the catastrophic earthquake there last month.

The Prince and Princess of Wales stopped by the Hayes Islamic Center in London on Thursday morning, where they met workers and fundraisers helping both countries. The official visit comes one month after the 7.8-magnitude earthquake hit Turkey and Syria for the first time, killing more than 47,000 people, according to the Associated Press. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan even called the event the “disaster of the century”. During their public appearances at the center, the royal couple spoke with representatives from the organization to find out more about how they can help and set aside the more than $29,000 they’ve raised in aid.

The Prince and Princess also spoke with members of the 15 crisis charities supported by the UK’s Turkey-Syria Earthquake Emergency Committee, as well as aid workers who have recently returned from Turkey. Some of those members they spoke to have come from organizations such as Save The Children, Islamic Relief, Action Against Hunger, Age International and the British Red Cross, all of whom have informed William and Kate of their latest initiatives that have made a huge impact overseas. The royals also met with some of the biggest fundraisers supporting the DEC appeal, including the Turkish Women’s Association. The group organized a bazaar-style sale last month at schools in the Richmond area to raise money for their cause, making more than $11,000 by selling Turkish coffee, locally baked goods and origami cranes made by local school children.

Since cranes are a symbol of hope, William and Kate got their own lesson in how to make origami birds thanks to two young women who raised relief money by making hundreds of them. In a video shared by royal correspondent Valentine Law, the prince can be heard saying of his wife’s origami creativity, “You have proper airplane wings.” One girl told them, “It’s really important to fold cranes together because the more people put one crane together, the stronger they get.”

After the outing, the Prince and Princess of Wales’ team wrote on Twitter: “The generosity of the human spirit is at the core of Hayes Islamic Centre. Since the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria last month, volunteers and charities – including those put together by @decappeal – have raised millions to help.” . They added: “Here at Hayes, over £25,000 of bucket sets and other donations have been collected after prayer. An amazing effort @HayesMuslimC! For all you have done and continue to do, thank you.”

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