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California earthquake preparedness tips by nonprofit

California earthquake preparedness tips by nonprofit
California earthquake preparedness tips by nonprofit


All eyes remain on Syria and Turkey, where a massive earthquake has claimed thousands of lives and caused billions of dollars in damage.

The fear of the next devastating earthquake in our area is something Californians know all too well. As the saying goes, it’s not about when an earthquake happens, but when.

That’s why the California-based nonprofit EPIC-FSC, a coalition of Calabasas residents working to ensure homes are protected from natural disasters, has released a list of tips for making sure your home is ready for the “big house.”

“Experts tell us an 8.2-magnitude earthquake is possible on the southern San Andreas fault and will bring disaster to all of Southern California, including here in Calabasas,” said EPIC-FSC President Brian Cameron. Earthquake safety starts with preparation. Now is the time to organize your disaster supplies and harden your home against earthquake damage.”

While most modern homes are designed to withstand the vibrations and vibrations of a powerful earthquake, more than a million homes built before 1980 are considered vulnerable without the need for retrofit.

EPIC-FSC is encouraging its Calabasas neighbors to contact the organization for a free “home strengthening assessment,” to determine what can be done to ensure homes are earthquake-ready.

But if you live outside of Calabasas, the organization has put together some tips and suggestions so you can take stock of your home’s safety.

1. Install gas appliances with flexible connections and/or a separate gas shut-off device, or install a mains gas shut-off device.

2. Fix the water heater(s) to the walls.

3. Install bookcases and file cabinets on the walls.

4. Install latches on drawers and cabinet doors to prevent contents from spilling out.

5. Install shelf rails on the shelves, place heavy items on the lower shelves, and secure large, heavy items and breakable items directly on the shelves.

6. Connect computers and small appliances to desks, tables or countertops.

7. Attach ceiling lights, suspended ceilings, and other hanging items, such as chandeliers and plants, to the permanent structure of your home.

8. Put safety film on windows and glass doors.

9. Secure large appliances to walls using safety cables or seat belts. Locking reels for any large appliances or pieces of furniture.

10. If the structural elements of your home need strengthening, some of the most important and most common retrofits include adding anchor bolts or steel plates between your home and its foundation.

EPIC-FSC encourages residents to become a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) certified through FEMA, or through your nearest local program. Calabasas also has a local emergency radio program that residents can join, and EPIC-FSC says will help those interested in purchasing a radio.

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