The doctor says that the survivors of the Turkey earthquake fear their homes, but they are steadfast
Dr Asim Salem, who lives in Leeds and works in Barnsley as a consultant in emergency medicine, has traveled to Turkey twice with NGO (NGO) Humanity First UK to help set up medical camps and tend to survivors suffering from injuries and battles. with their mental health.
The second trip took place from February 19 to March 4, with the first five-day trip starting within 48 hours of the first earthquake.
Dr. Asim Salem provides medical assistance to earthquake survivors in Turkey. (Humanity First / PA)
“You see pictures on TV, you read them in the newspaper, you watch YouTube videos, so you have an idea of what’s going on,” said the 46-year-old.
“But when you actually go in and see it with your own eyes, it’s a completely different experience when you’re standing on the road when there are buildings around you that have completely fallen to the ground.”
“When you’re standing next to a building, you can smell death because unfortunately there are dead bodies inside the buildings and it’s virtually impossible to get everything out and get everything back to normal.
“He hits you hard.”
A series of earthquakes has struck Syria and Turkey since February, killing or displacing thousands. The strongest earthquake, with a magnitude of 7.8, occurred on February 6.
Dr Salem spoke of the trauma people face due to earthquakes – with fear entering many of their homes.
Humanity First volunteers (Humanity First / PA)
“On the first trip, when I traveled to the areas close to the epicenter, I noticed a large number of people in the streets burning cardboard boxes just to stay warm as it was cold,” he said.
“Unfortunately a few of their homes were damaged so they had nowhere to go, but a significant number of people – families with young children, for example – had perfectly normal homes but chose to sit outside in the freezing cold by the fire.
“They were unable to enter their homes because of the fear and trauma they were subjected to two days ago.”
In the second week the doctor traveled to Turkey, he said he was on the sixth floor of a building in Gaziantep when the “second largest aftershock” occurred, which he described as “extreme” to deal with.
“I immediately grabbed my passport and jacket and literally ran down the stairs in my slippers and out on the road.
“And I was surrounded by thousands of people in the freezing cold, and then my team and I waited in the car and we didn’t even know what we were waiting for.
“The only thing is we couldn’t get back inside the building and I understood the feeling of those people I saw. It’s hard to describe but it’s a powerful feeling.”
Dr. Salem said that while the physical trauma “may have gone away now,” the psychological trauma still lingers.
“It’s a matter of rebuilding everything,” he said.
“In terms of trauma, it’s impossible for a survivor not to suffer from PTSD; it’s an issue.
“And there’s also a financial shock, and I think they’re going to take it slowly.”
Despite experiencing a heavy loss, Dr. Salem said that those he met and spoke with while they were in the country showed great courage.
Humanity First members provide medical assistance to those in Turkey (Humanity First / PA)
“The local people are very, very strong and very resilient,” he said.
“They are doing their best and they are very brave and the way they faced the massive destruction is inspiring in a way.
“And they always find a way to help each other through that.”
Dr Salem added: “No local government or administration can handle the scale of devastation that has been experienced, but they are doing everything they can.
“They were working with the locals side by side and I remember once there was a boy who was maybe three or four years old in one of our medical camps and he was wearing mismatched shoes.
“A member of the management team replaced his shoes with a new pair of the right size and that is the level of care taken by those in charge here.”
The NGO has an appeal running to help those affected by earthquakes in Syria and Turkey: https://hfuk.org/ts-earthquake/
Humanity First has also set up a kitchen in Antakya, in Turkey’s Hatay Province, to cook food for thousands of people in the area and surrounding villages.
Sources 2/ https://www.centralfifetimes.com/news/national/23380980.doctor-says-turkey-earthquake-survivors-fearful-homes-resilient/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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