The Turkish president apologizes for the earthquake response and pledges to rebuild
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday asked the people of Hatay to pardon the shortcomings in the initial response to the massive earthquakes that struck southern Turkey on February 6. Erdogan said, “We ask the people of Hatay to forgive us for the shortcomings that occurred in the early days of the earthquake.”
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Erdogan went on to reassure the crowd that the government would not abandon them in their time of need. He announced plans to build 183,000 apartments and 15,000 rural homes in Hatay Province. He said, “We will not leave Hatay alone, and we will stand by our nation and our people.”
How bad was the earthquake? Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan speaks to reporters at the G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, earlier this month. (Credit: G20 Media Center/Reuters)
The Turkish president also spoke about the extent of the damage caused by the earthquake. “The number of collapsed and weak buildings exceeds 270,000,” he said. With many left homeless, is the immediate need for new housing. Construction workers are mixing concrete and cutting iron bars to build new homes soon to be built for the thousands of families who lost their homes in the earthquakes.
“On the third day of the earthquake, we were instructed to build temporary houses. We chose the area and started right away. We will build health clinics, schools and playgrounds,” Mostafa, the construction engineer, told The Media Line.
He says thousands of construction crews are working around the clock to erect these temporary communities as quickly as possible.
Turkish authorities have laid the foundation stone for the construction of new housing blocks that will contain approximately 270 housing units in the hard-hit town of Nordağı, in southern Turkey’s Gaziantep province. Trucks and heavy equipment are already hauling cement, steel and other construction materials, and working to remove dirt and debris as more than 200,000 homes are being built across the quake zone.
Nearly 90,000 people live in tents, university dormitories and containers. Shelter is the biggest need right now for survivors.
Nordagi is located about 35 miles north of the Syrian border. Much of it has been reduced to rubble, and thousands of residents now live in government tents or container camps. A 70-year-old earthquake victim has moved from Gaziantep to a camp in Nordağı with her extended family, surrounded by her daughters-in-law and grandchildren. She told Media Line that she lost one of her sons in the earthquake. One of her daughters-in-law whispers in her ear that they are in dire need of private places to shower.
They sent tents. I’m afraid to go home. All my loved ones came here from Adana and Gaziantep. The tents are not enough for all my family, we don’t have shower opportunities, and the toilet is an issue. But still, we are grateful for everything. An international donors conference is scheduled in Brussels on March 16 to raise funds to help rebuild the affected areas. The World Bank estimates that the February 6 earthquake caused around $35 billion in damage, while a Turkish business magazine estimated the cost at around $45 billion.
Turkish President Erdogan promised to rebuild the damaged cities within a year. He faces an election this spring and is already battered by accusations that his government mismanaged rescue efforts and ignored enforcement of building standards, causing widespread death and destruction. He said that more than 400,000 homes will be built in the earthquake zone, and despite the huge losses and horrific trauma suffered by the victims, many Turks hope they will have the chance to rebuild their lives again.
The government has begun building permanent homes. All protocols have been signed. We are laying the foundations of 456 permanent homes here very soon. “We expect 2,000 permanent homes here, and I think we will do it as soon as possible,” Mahmut Demirtaş, the governor of Mardin Province, told The Media Line.
Despite the huge losses and horrific trauma the victims endured, these Turks hope they will have a chance to rebuild their lives again.
Sources 2/ https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/article-734241 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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