The role we play in earthquake preparedness
Earthquake and Wind Programs Branch Civil Engineer Pattaya Scott, Ph.D. shares more about the work FEMA is doing to improve building codes and standards.
After the devastating earthquakes that hit Turkey and Syria last month, you may have wondered: In a similar event, what would have happened to buildings in the United States?
For more than 40 years, FEMA has worked with our partners to improve building codes and standards, as well as strengthen their adoption and enforcement across the country. While these improvements are significant, there are still older buildings in our country that are at risk of collapsing during an earthquake.
More work is needed to avoid the kind of regional catastrophe that Turkey and Syria are experiencing after the magnitude 7.8 and 7.5 earthquakes. Many buildings in the United States likely perform poorly in earthquakes because they are built to outdated standards or, in some cases, no standards at all. These buildings remain vulnerable to collapses in seismic regions such as Alaska, the Pacific Northwest, California, Hawaii, the Rocky Mountains, New Madrid, South Carolina, the US East, Puerto Rico and Oklahoma.
To explore how these areas are affected during a major earthquake event, you can use the Hazus Loss Library. This tool shows the cost of life and the severity of damage that may occur in earthquakes similar to those in Turkey and Syria. While the numbers presented in these scenarios may be lower than those areas have tolerated, it still represents a significant risk and dictates the country’s need to improve its built environment.
Modern laws and standards are only effective if they are properly applied. Turkey is known for having an existing building code, similar to many parts of the United States, but enforcement has historically been problematic. Regional differences in code adoption and enforcement mean that some communities may not benefit from the protections offered by stronger laws. Continued advocacy for the adoption and implementation of the law is still needed.
FEMA is always focused on improvements. We look at the latest lessons-learned information and new science and technology. We also collaborate with many government sectors to address and mitigate community risks with existing buildings. This work includes improved methods for risk assessment, prioritization and retrofitting, as well as supporting the development and adoption of effective mitigation policies and practices, which can include replacement with new buildings.
The new interest in disaster response and recovery suggests that focusing on preventing building collapses may not be enough. Disaster-resilient societies need buildings that can be occupied after a hazardous event and provide the functions and services needed to meet basic community needs and maintain economic vitality. This means buildings that not only stand strong after an earthquake, but allow residents to safely use things like running water and electricity.
FEMA’s National Earthquake Risk Reduction Program focuses on activities that support improving community resilience. These efforts are outlined in a recent report to Congress (NIST-FEMA Special Publication FEMA P-2090/NIST SP-1254, Recommended Options for Improving the Built Environment for Post-earthquake Reoccupation and Functional Recovery Time) and are only beginning.
There are many actions you can take on a personal level to improve your community’s earthquake resilience.
Practice safety drills. Since earthquakes can happen with little or no warning, prepare by practicing Drop, Cover, and Hold On with family and co-workers. Create an emergency plan. Create a family emergency communications plan that has an out-of-state contact. Plan where to meet if you get separated. Prepare a supply kit containing enough non-perishable food, water, and medicine for several days, a flashlight, a fire extinguisher, and a whistle. Prepare for pets and service animals, too. Protect your home. Secure heavy items in your home such as bookcases, refrigerators, water heaters, televisions, and wall hangings. Also consider getting an earthquake insurance policy because a standard homeowner’s insurance policy does not cover earthquake damage. Receive emergency alerts and warnings by downloading the recently updated FEMA app. Visit Ready.gov or Listo.gov today and practice making an earthquake plan with your family.
For more information about how to protect your community from earthquakes, visit www.fema.gov/em Emergency-managers/risk-management/earthquake.
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