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Studying the Nature of the Earth – Under Earthquakes // Show Me Mizzou // University of Missouri

Studying the Nature of the Earth – Under Earthquakes // Show Me Mizzou // University of Missouri


University of Missouri geosciences professor Eric Sandvol points to a map of Turkey where a team of scientists from MU, Georgia Tech, and the Scientific and Technological Research Institute of Turkey (TUBITAK) will place 250 seismometers called nodes in and around the East Anatolia Rift Zone sometime in late April 2023. Pat McQueen/University of Missouri

April 12, 2023 Contact: Eric Stan, 573-882-3346, [email protected]

In February, the countries of Turkey and Syria were devastated by two powerful earthquakes nine hours apart. The two events, magnitude 7.8 and 7.5 respectively, caused thousands of deaths and widespread destruction of infrastructure. Both occurred along the East Anatolian Rift, one of two major seismic zones in Turkey and the boundary between two of Earth’s tectonic plates, the Arabian Plate and the Anatolian Plate.

Most of Turkey is an active seismic zone because of the near-constant energy generated underground by these tectonic plates colliding with each other. Erik Sandvoll of the University of Missouri and a team of scientists from the Georgia Institute of Technology and Turkey’s Scientific and Technological Research Institute (TUBITAK) are working to better understand the composition of the earthquake zone and its surroundings to help scientists better explain why the February quakes occurred. unusually severe.

“This is called a slip fault, and these earthquakes have been large for this type of fault compared to subduction zones, which produce the largest earthquakes,” said Sandvoll, a professor of geosciences. “Over the past 200 years, there has only been one other earthquake—in 1939—that was of the same magnitude as this one across the entire Mediterranean basin. The other thing that was strange about these earthquakes was the persistence of energy around a bend in the fault zone to part From Turkey on the border with Syria called Hatay, it is one of the most destroyed sites by this earthquake.However, when the earthquake hits a bend, the shaking usually stops.”

Eric Sandvoll, professor of geosciences, sits in his office at the University of Missouri on Friday, April 7, 2023. At the end of April 2023, Sandvoll and his colleagues will travel to Turkey to place seismic sensors along the East Anatolian Fault, one of two major seismic zones in Turkey, to record motion. Earth so that they can study the properties of the energy waves produced by these earthquakes. Pat McQueen/University of Missouri.

With support from a Rapid Response grant from the National Science Foundation, the team plans to place 250 seismometers called nodes—an autonomous radio sensor roughly the size of a soda can—in and around the East Anatolian Fault region sometime in late April 2023.

“These sensors record the movement of the earth, and we are trying to study the properties of the energy waves generated by these earthquakes,” he said. “This is because the characteristics of the different waves can tell us a lot about what is underground and the physical structure of the ground — not only where these earthquakes actually occur but also the larger area itself. For example, we want to determine whether the depth of an earthquake can tell us about its potential magnitude.”

Although the project will focus specifically on the physics of aftershocks, Sandvoll believes the quakes in February are more representative of what seismologists call binary.

“This is where the first earthquake carries away another part of the fault and leads to the second earthquake,” he said. “In this case, they occurred nine hours apart, but it could be days, months, or even years before the second event occurred. In fact, along a fault area north of this location called the North Anatolian Fault, one of the most famous earthquake series progressed over 60 years. Almost a year from 1939 to 1999.”

Combining his passion for rock collecting with his skill at problem-solving using the science of physics, Eric Sandvol has spent more than two decades studying the Earth with a particular focus on mountain ranges, or what he calls “mountain belts”. Pat McQueen/University of Missouri

Contract, developed by SmartSolo Inc. , is a newer type of technology for studying earthquakes that has been adapted from its original use to aid in the exploration of natural gas and oil. Sandvol said SmartSolo will donate 150 of the nodes used in the project.

“For the past 10 years, seismologists have used this technology to image natural features below the Earth’s surface,” he said. “But this technology has not been applied before in this way to collect data on the Earth’s structure during aftershocks.”

Unlike other seismic instruments that Sandvol has placed around the world during his career, these nodes are buried in the ground and do not require temporary cement structures called seismic stations.

From a young age, Eric Sandvoll was fascinated by how mountain ranges are formed. Growing up in Denver, Colorado, Sandvol remembers asking his father to stop frequently at old mines dotted throughout the Rocky Mountains so he could collect shiny-looking rocks like pyrite. Since then, he has built up an extensive rock collection by collecting rocks from the mountain ranges he visited during his career, including the Andes, the Caucasus, and the Himalayas. Combining his passion for collecting rocks with his skill at problem-solving using the science of physics, Sandvol has, for more than two decades, used physics to study the Earth—with a particular focus on mountain ranges, or what he calls “mountain belts.”




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