The International Organization for Migration, Amazon and UPS provide assistance to earthquake-affected areas in Turkey and Syria
GAZIANTEP – The International Organization for Migration (IOM), Amazon and UPS Foundation have provided a new batch of humanitarian aid to the earthquake zone in southeastern Turkey and northwest Syria. Continuing their partnership, 17 truckloads of 500 pallets of clothing reached communities affected by the February disaster.
“The hardest thing for me is my children seeing other children wearing new clothes in preparation for Eid,” said Amoun, a widow who has been raising her two daughters on her own for more than five years.
The aid shipment arrived ahead of celebrations for Eid al-Fitr, the festive season that marks the end of Ramadan and is usually marked with new clothes for children. But today, I am very happy to see them full of joy and happiness after choosing the right clothes for them in the market. It helped us a lot, especially before the holidays.
The humanitarian aid was shipped by air to Istanbul with nine UPS flights taking off from the company’s Air Hub in Cologne. The UPS Air Hub connects markets internationally and currently serves as an airlift platform for humanitarian cargo. The humanitarian aid was then transferred to the IOM warehouse in Gaziantep, Turkey. There, the clothes were sorted and prepared for shipment to five provinces in southeastern Turkey and several camps for the displaced in northwestern Syria.
Amazon is supporting the response effort by continuously donating relief items and providing logistical support on the ground. This support follows an initial response in the aftermath of the earthquake that included more than 100 tons of donated goods and two Amazon Air relief flights.
Distributions are coordinated with national partners in the most affected areas in southeastern Turkey and through IOM implementing partners in northwest Syria, based on the needs of the affected communities. Distributions are organized in the form of “social markets”, and they allow people to get the clothes that they need and that fit them.
“This partnership leverages the strengths of the respective organizations,” said Martin Legas, IOM’s Senior Emergency Coordinator in Turkey.
“It builds on IOM’s extensive experience in disaster response and humanitarian assistance, supply management system, extensive presence on the ground in Turkey and outreach to vulnerable populations in northwest Syria, combined with the global reach of Amazon and UPS, and expertise in logistics.” and commitment to support the earthquake response. This collaboration is having a tangible impact in the earthquake-affected areas.”
Thanks to the efforts of the International Organization for Migration and close collaboration with national and humanitarian actors and private sector partners, more than 1.1 million relief items have been dispatched to the earthquake zone in southeastern Turkey. Meanwhile, more than 2.1 million relief items and 1.6 million medical items have been shipped to northwest Syria. In addition, IOM collaborates with national and implementing partners and other humanitarian groups to ensure access to healthcare and protection, provide expertise and support in managing temporary settlements and support recovery and reconstruction efforts. The International Organization for Migration, Amazon and UPS are committed to continue assisting affected populations in the earthquake zone in Turkey and northwest Syria.
Make a lifesaving donation to support the efforts of the International Organization for Migration.
For more information, please contact:
Olga Borzenkova, [email protected], +90539792786
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