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Earthquake Bamboo Bars & Pullups: The Back-Fitting Indoor Workout Routine of Weightlifter Mirabae Chano

Earthquake Bamboo Bars & Pullups: The Back-Fitting Indoor Workout Routine of Weightlifter Mirabae Chano


For a few fleeting seconds in December last year, when Mirabae Chano lifted an 87kg bar above her head and attempted to stand up to complete her final attempt at the World Weightlifting Championships, her right leg seemed to be trapped under the combined weight of her body and the barbell.

Her face cleared of the pressure her body was under. She felt like she was about to let go of the bar. Then, almost out of nowhere, her left leg shot forward and stabilized her. In the next few seconds, Mirabai managed to save the lift, a feat that made even the technical officials applaud.

Mira went on to win a silver at the World Championships in Bogota, attempting the 87kg final snatch to help her put a total of 200kg (113kg in clean and slick). Had she dropped the third lift, she would have taken the bronze medal, behind China’s Jiang Huihua (206 kg total) and Tokyo Olympic champion Hu Zihui (198 kg total) in the women’s 49 kg weight class.


Mira credits saving her hours of hard work in the gym, as, along with regular training, she has added some great innovations introduced into her workouts since 2019 by Dr. Aaron Horshig, a former weightlifter turned physical therapist.

“If you look back at that moment at the Bogota World Championships, even though I had to quickly change my bottom weight to catch myself from a rollover or drop weight, the upper half of my body was able to stay locked with 87kg in place. It wasn’t the pull of that lift. It would be possible if I hadn’t worked so intensely on improving my shoulder stability using things like bamboo seismic bars,” Mira told The Indian Express.

The innovations added to Mira’s routines range from something as unique as a bamboo seismic bar to heavy jackets.


An earthquake bar is designed so that the weights loaded on it vibrate when the lifter lifts it. The bar has grooves that the weights are attached to, rather than held in place. That is why, with increasing repetitions, the process of lifting the weight becomes more complex and wobbly. This forces the lifter to use the muscles of the upper body to beat the vibrations on the bar and control the rotating weights.

If that wasn’t complicated enough, Mira trains by loading plastic balls filled with water, adding a wicked amount of swaying to the bar with each successive rep. Combined with the smaller plates, the water balls weigh between 7.5kg to 10kg on each side. The weight loaded on the bar depends on what they are trying to achieve in that session. If they were trying to isolate the shoulder only, the weights would be 7.5kg on each side. But if they make her do a lunge with the bar up, the weight will be heavier.


On average, Mira said she trained for seven hours a day. At the time, she was doing an earthquake bar routine twice a week, each workout lasting about half an hour.

“To improve your performance at the elite level, you need to incorporate these little tricks into your training. You can’t keep doing snatch lifts and cleans. The bamboo seismic bar helps improve the stability of your shoulders and adds strength to the muscles. My left side was weaker than my right shoulder. So on the one hand, I didn’t I can push the bar up with the same intensity.”In a clean and jerk way, it wasn’t a big deal, but in the snatch, I had pain in my wrist as it was making up for the deficiencies in my shoulder,” said the TOPS athlete who trains at SAI Patiala.

Keep it free from injuries

These specific exercises help Mira not only strengthen her muscles, but also help with her stability on the lifting platform. But for Mira, given that she is now a senior powerlifter, the workload she receives in training must be watched more carefully lest she sustain an injury.

As National Coach Vijay Sharma explains: “In weightlifting, there is a concept called training age (the years you trained with weights). Mira’s training age is the best, so we have to be very careful in her training. We need to make sure we don’t put too much of a burden “.

This is where the barbell comes in handy as the athlete can load a small amount of weight onto the bar while still activating their muscles and raising the difficulty level of the exercise.

Other innovations

Mira also uses the seismograph to make one-handed kneeling windmills, holding the weight above her with an arm while the body performs a range of motions. The exercise is great for building stability in the shoulders.


She also does something known as heavy chin-ups while an army jacket loaded with 10kg weights is strapped around her as she lifts herself up on the bars. These exercises are also great for building upper body strength.

muscle imbalances

Emphasis is placed on Mira’s shoulders due to what the coaching staff noted in the pre-season assessment.

“When we did a pre-season assessment before this season started, we saw that Mira’s shoulder needed to be stabilized because she’s been an elite athlete for so many years. She continues to load on the heavier side. There are muscle imbalances that we noticed in Mira especially in the shoulder area, not the hip area. She had hip and back problems earlier.“But not anymore,” said Hariyali Parot, the physio of the Indian weightlifting team.

“Before 2019, my training routine was simple: karo aur weight uthao (warm-up and weightlifting). Not anymore,” Mira grinned.




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