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How to be a respected visitor to Turkey after the earthquake

How to be a respected visitor to Turkey after the earthquake
How to be a respected visitor to Turkey after the earthquake


“If they meet and talk to an earthquake survivor, they will be happy even if they wish to recover soon,” says Gökşin from D Maris Bay. The Turkish phrase “geçmiş olsun” (pronounced getch-mish ol-soon) means the equivalent of “get well soon” or “may your difficulties pass”. It’s a nice way to express sympathy to someone.

“Coming to visit Türkiye is exactly what the country needs now.”

Turkey has 19 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, each offering a different perspective on the country’s history and culture. Gezenoğlu stressed that getting to know the local history and culture can make people feel that the world cares about them. “If people have the opportunity to visit any of the [those heritage sites]They may become more connected to Turkey and the wider region. Such links and bonds are sorely needed right now.”

However, since many people have lost their jobs and much more, economic support is needed. Supporting local businesses is an easy way for visitors to help people rebuild their lives and communities. The tourism industry directly employs millions of people, not to mention the shops, restaurants and bazaars that depend on tourism to keep them open. Coming to visit Turkey is exactly what the country needs at the moment, ”says Dimon.

Ways to help

Hotels, restaurants and other hospitality groups provide relief to earthquake zones and survivors through partnerships and their own initiatives. The five-star Çırağan Palace Kempinski Hotel in Istanbul has sent trucks loaded with emergency supplies such as generators, wheelchairs and baby food to the quake zone and is running a humanitarian aid campaign until the end of this year. Chefs from Emma Bakery in Istanbul, Basta! New Bistro and Michelin starred Turk Fatih Totak have traveled to the area and set up emergency kitchens to feed people.

Small local businesses and organizations are also getting involved in their own initiatives, so keep an eye out for places that support earthquake recovery efforts and direct your spending there. “Many artists donated their concert profits to the district, while others organized donation events and set up large art funds,” says Gezinoglu. “As cultural professionals, it is our responsibility to bring long-term and lasting initiatives to the region through the healing power of art.”

Istanbul’s Salt Galata Museum of Modern Art recently held a benefit exhibition of more than 200 works donated by artists and galleries and channeled the proceeds towards educating school-age children in the earthquake zone. Koromelu points to places like Postane, a cultural center focused on social and environmental impact, that fit easily into traveler itineraries for several reasons: “You can go to the roof of Postane, have your coffee with a great view, and buy a souvenir from their home. Gift shop is responsibly sourced, and the percentage goes.” percentage of its revenues to recover from the earthquake.”

If you are not visiting Turkey, there are trusted organizations you can donate to such as INARA, which relies on donations to provide targeted basic aid and mental health relief to earthquake-affected children and families in both Turkey and Syria. International non-profit organizations such as the US-based Turkish Philanthropic Funds and Relief International still accept donations. There are also locally popular co-ops such as Topraktan Tabağa, a chef-run pop-up kitchen where you can choose food items delivered directly to them through their online store.

Cherish the sites you visit

People come to Turkey for many reasons – hospitality, food, beauty and culture, but they tend to leave one thing stuck in their mind: the history. Travel through Türkiye and it is easy to see that it is a land that is read like a history textbook; Be it the 10,000-year-old megaliths of Göbekli Tepe (the oldest in the world), the tombs of Hellenistic temples atop Mount Nemrut, the subterranean cave cities of Cappadocia, the ancient ruins of Ephesus, or Hagia Sophia.

But these locations also act as evidence of impermanence: the February 6 earthquake will leave something on Turkey’s long timeline. It has demolished some of the country’s historic buildings, destroyed millions of lives, and destroyed entire cities, such as Antakya – the ancient city of Antioch and one of Turkey’s culinary capitals before the earthquake. The underlying message of these things is always that you should see the world while you can, be a good guest in the places you visit, witness history with open eyes and honor those who are living it or are currently living it.




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