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Global Changemakers Raise Funds for Türkiye Earthquake Relief | Nebraska today

Global Changemakers Raise Funds for Türkiye Earthquake Relief |  Nebraska today


Students from the University Honors Program’s Global Changemakers Track have teamed up with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Turkish Student Union in a virtual fundraiser to bring relief to victims of the deadly earthquakes that struck Turkey and Syria on February 6.

The fundraiser, which runs May 6-19, spreads awareness of TSA’s efforts through social media. Global Changemakers also created a video featuring Turkish scholars and faculty explaining the situation and the ongoing need.

The 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck southern and central Turkey and northern and western Syria, causing widespread destruction and killing more than 59,000 people. The disaster is considered one of the deadliest natural disasters in modern history with billions of dollars in damages for both countries. Three months after the disaster, about 2 million people (about the population of Nebraska) are still in temporary shelters.

Global Changemakers direct donations to TSA’s “Together We Can” fundraising efforts. The TSA will send all funds to the Turkish non-profit association AHBAP, which has long-standing relationships and points of contact across the disaster area.

“Here we are a small community of Turkish students and scientists,” said Ufuk Kilic, a research assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering. He noted that this partnership with Global Changemakers “increases our impact here… so that larger communities can see this and maybe they can also respond to our call.”

Donations via Venmo or Zelle will go directly to the TSA bank account and eventually to the AHBAP. Those who prefer to donate using their credit card can do so by visiting the AHBAP donation website. The campaign’s total fundraising goal is $6,000.

Students running the campaign participated in the Changemakers Honors Pilot Track during the 2022-23 academic year. Tracks are pathways for students to enrich their second or third year on a topic that excites and motivates them. Paths are open to honors students and all Nebraska students with a GPA of 3.5 or higher. Students take two first-class courses focused on career development, participating in field trips and networking, creating an electronic portfolio and collaborating with peers on group service/philanthropy projects.

It’s only been three months since this tragedy, and most organizations and aid agencies have moved on to the next one. This fundraiser puts the spotlight back on Turkey and will help provide much-needed funds to keep local agencies working on the ground, said Emira Ibrahimbasic, Global Changemakers Coach, Assistant Director of Global Studies and Associate Professor in Practice. “Because the students are passionate about the world, international relations, and making a difference, this fundraising program combines what these honors students learn in class with hands-on action.”

Learn more and donate here.




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