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Strange tremors rattle the Danish island – but it wasn’t an earthquake

Strange tremors rattle the Danish island – but it wasn’t an earthquake


Mysterious reports of tremors on a small Danish island in the Baltic Sea have prompted a seismic investigation that points to atmospheric pressure waves as the possible cause. But as with other similar events – which are surprisingly common around the world – confirmation of a cause remains elusive.

The tremors occurred on May 13 at about 3 p.m. local time, according to a statement from the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, which operates two seismometers on the island of Bornholm.

The agency says seismic data showed the tremors were not caused by an earthquake. And although the tremors occurred about 20 minutes after what could have been a minor explosion in Poland, scientists don’t think that caused the strange tremor either.

Instead, agency officials concluded that “acoustic pressure waves” in the atmosphere likely caused the tremors — but they declined to speculate on what might be responsible for those pressure waves. Sound waves, or sound waves, carry energy from a vibrating object and cause a pressure oscillation of the material they pass through (such as air).

Such unexplained tremors are actually not unusual, says Bjorn Lund, a seismologist at Uppsala University in Sweden and director of the Swedish National Seismological Network. The network received about 10 reports of earthquakes from the part of southern Sweden just north of the island in the afternoon and evening of the same day.

“It happens a few times a year,” says Lund. “We have reports of low-frequency vibration and noise from a very large area, and we have no indications in the seismic data of major earthquakes or eruptions.” He says a common explanation for this type of incident is an aircraft breaking the sound barrier, though he adds that he hasn’t heard of any such activity happening around these specific reports.

(Sweden records about 1,000 earthquakes a year, Lund says—an average of two or three each day—but most are too small for people to feel, let alone report.)

Reports of strange tremors with no clear geological explanation are not limited to Scandinavia, says Alison Bent, a seismologist with Natural Resources Canada. Bennett says her office regularly gets calls from people who have felt an earthquake—but when scientists check seismometers, there isn’t always the signature of an actual earthquake or even a sign of other geological activity, such as a mining explosion or heavy construction.

“Most of the time, we can’t tell them what it was like,” Bent says. “We can make suggestions because we know what things look like earthquakes.” In Canada, she says, those rogues can also include so-called frostbites, which happen when very wet soil freezes quickly.

“They all feel the same when they’re on the small end of things,” Bent says of these diverse juveniles. This, she notes, makes seismic signals more difficult to decipher. “As long as the earth is shaking, we’ll record it,” she says, but “unless it’s something big and coherent, we usually don’t pick it up, or we don’t pick it up as a recognizable signal.”

However, seismometers — technically the inner mechanism of a seismograph, though the two terms are often used interchangeably — are incredibly powerful tools that can help scientists understand many aspects of Earth beyond geological activity, says Wendy Bohon, Ph. Earthquake world and science axes. .

“Seismographs record anything that causes the ground to shake, and that can be many different things,” says Bohon. This includes earthquakes, of course – but also human activity ranging from urban traffic to bomb blasts, as well as the hum of the Earth’s oceans, atmospheric phenomena such as hurricanes, and even meteorites hitting the Earth’s atmosphere. And then there are “fan earthquakes,” seismometers that can monitor vibrations from strongly loud fans at a stadium.

“These things happen all the time,” Bohun says of strange tremors like the one reported over the Bornholm weekend. “It’s not strange — it’s just that as our technology gets better and better, and we’re able to record more and more subtle vibrations, we learn more and more about how all things on Earth are connected.”




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