Rebuilding Democracy in Montana after the Quake of Extremism – Daily Montanan
As we survey the landscape in our democracy after Montana’s 68th legislative session, two things are clear: Radicals are running the parade, and few corporations are dictating their march orders.
Bill after serious bill passed through both houses of the legislature despite Montana residents lining up by the dozens to testify against them and only a few paying lobbyists speaking out in support of them. This is a wake up call. Radical politicians treat We the People as irrelevant distractions and, at times, even with disdain.
Meeting our challenges depends on respectful listening and finding common ground. Politicians who deny the votes of the majority, all the while passing laws that line our pockets, pollute our communities, and disintegrate our rights, are undermining democracy. Being stuck in line after our voices are ignored will not happen; Strict obedience is not in our DNA. As responsible Montanans begin to repair this damage, it’s important to take stock of what just happened. Here are some disturbing examples.
Senate Bill 228, sponsored by Sen. Jason Small, R-Busby, prohibits local governments from making energy decisions based on the community. The bill prohibits municipalities from putting in place safeguards against the use of petroleum-derived fuels, including relevant tools, transportation, or equipment. This “Big Brother Knows” absolutism perfectly serves Montana’s two monopolistic energy corporations, but not us. Communities can be forced to live with dangerous industrial infrastructure next to parks, schools and homes.
Another pair of bills undermines the rights of ranchers and landowners in coal country. House Bill 576, sponsored by Rep. Rhonda Knudsen, R-Culbertson, rewrites laws permitting coal development with vague terms about land and water damage that will make it difficult for landowners to hold coal companies liable when property is damaged. Despite widespread land and water degradation near coal development, this law protects companies from liability, while landowners are forced to go to court as a last resort. This is where the second bill comes into play.
Senate Bill 392, sponsored by Sen. Steve Fitzpatrick, R. Great Falls, forces individuals to pay the legal bills of coal companies if a judge rules on behalf of a company in dispute. This financial intimidation will prevent citizens from seeking justice. The coal companies will rejoice as every day Montans find themselves under the coal car.
Senate Bill 557, sponsored by Sen. Mark Noland, R. Bigfork, is another “pay-to-play” bill that requires Montana residents to pay cash for expensive lawsuits and other fees to challenge government decisions using our Preserve Our Foundation, Policy Act. environment in Montana.
Noland has stated that his billing was inspired by his sympathy for an industrial gold mine just outside Yellowstone National Park, which was rejected after a MEPA challenge. It’s time to restore our democratic processes when legislators proudly declare that keeping one company’s vaults full of gold is more important than the rights of citizens or protecting one of Montana’s most famous natural treasures.
House Bill 971, sponsored by Rep. Josh Kasmere, R-Fort Benton, was written to save NorthWestern Energy after a recent legal ruling. A Montana judge has halted construction of the company’s methane-fired power plant in Laurel until the state can analyze the plant’s climate pollution. Rather than wait for that critical data, the bill completely bans government analysis of carbon pollution from environmental reviews. It should be noted that the $280 million Northwestern plant, if built, would become a major source of hazardous air pollutants, emitting tons of carcinogenic pollution each year. But health and safety protections don’t matter to these marginalized politicians when companies demand guaranteed profits.
Let’s roll up our sleeves and tighten the muscles of our democracy. We can commit ourselves to the inclusive power of the ordinary people involved—our friends and neighbors, “We the People.”
Joanie Kresich is a Livingston resident and chair of the Northern Plains Resource Council, a family farming and conservation group.
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