More than 7,000 joined the 4th edition of Walk the Talk in Geneva: the Health for All challenge
WHO together with Swiss and Geneva partners, the UN family, Member States, athletes, local sports clubs and health partners gathered on Sunday 21 May 2023 to celebrate the importance of healthy lifestyles and kick off the Seventy-sixth World Health Assembly.
“I am very happy to see today so many people from all over the world for ours fourth Walk the Talk: Health for All challenge. This day is also an opportunity to come together to celebrate our shared commitment to health for all, our work to meet the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and to celebrate the 75th anniversary of WHO,” Dr. Tedros told the crowd, “In this 75 .year of the WHO, we look forward to working with all of you for a healthier, safer and fairer world. So have fun, come together and take action for health for all”.
Guests of honor were Mauro Poggia, President of the Geneva Council of State, Jacinda Ardern, former Prime Minister of New Zealand, Didier Fisher, President of the Group Grenat Foundation, Ethiopian athlete Derartu Tulu and Kenyan runner Paul Tergat. Geneva’s Place des Nations awoke this Sunday morning with many activities, including a warm-up led by the University Hospital of Geneva and the Mexican Permanent Mission in Geneva led the warm-up, followed by performances by world-renowned dance stars and development advocate Sherrie Silver from Rwanda and Norwegian hip-hop dance sensation The Quick Style.
In a special appearance, Sherkhan, Geneva Servette’s eagle, helped start the 3-kilometer and 4.2-kilometer routes, which were completed by around 7,000 participants, who ran, walked or used wheelchairs.
One of the walkers, Malaika, expressed her delight at the end of her achievement: “I am happy to be able to participate in this event that raises awareness of humanitarian causes that are so crucial today. Every step I took on this walk symbolizes my commitment to a better world , where health and well-being are accessible to all.”
Yoga classes, football and hockey demonstrations were held at the Place des Nations, with African music and Tongan dance playing in the background. All these free activities were aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle.
Walk the Talk, an event that promotes health for all
The World Health Organization would like to congratulate the 7,000 participants who took part. He would also like to thank all the WHO staff who volunteered to make the event a success, as well as the authorities of the city and canton of Geneva, the Swiss Confederation and the UHC Partnership.
Note to editors:
The Walk the Talk event was held on Sunday, May 21, 2023 in Geneva, Switzerland. WHO joins the United Nations family and the Geneva community in celebrating the importance of a healthy lifestyle and demonstrating the steps that can be taken to hold public events safely.
Fourth edition Walk the Talk: a health challenge for everyonethe second since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is an opportunity for a safe gathering and promotion of solidarity and a healthy life.
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