Magnitude 6.2 earthquake in Japan: No tsunami or injuries reported
Recent reports said a 6.2-magnitude earthquake hit Japan on Friday. No casualties or tsunamis were reported after the quake.
Japan is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, with the possibility of frequent earthquakes and active volcanoes. The Japanese are resilient in dealing with earthquakes.
6.2 magnitude earthquake in Japan
(Photo: STR/JIJI Press/AFP via Getty Images) Suzu, Ishikawa Prefecture on May 6, 2023. The latest reports showed that a 6.2-magnitude earthquake hit Japan on Friday. No tsunami or casualties were reported, but the bullet trains were temporarily halted due to a power outage.
Based on the latest reports, AccuWeather reports that the 6.2-magnitude earthquake was also felt by residents in parts of Tokyo.
Kyodo news agency reported that the quake also hit parts of eastern Japan. The report stated that the earthquake occurred on Friday (7:03 pm).
The earthquake scored a score of less than five based on the Japan intensity scale. AccuWeather added that the quake’s epicenter was on the Chiba coast, with a depth of 31 miles.
Meanwhile, said reports said that express trains were affected on the Joetsu, Hokuriku, and Tohoku lines which halted train operations for about 10 minutes.
Moreover, AccuWeather reported minor injuries after five people were injured in Chiba and two in Kanagawa Prefecture.
In central Tokyo, Saitama and Yokohama, the report recorded intensity three times after the country’s earthquake.
In the same month, a 5.2-magnitude earthquake struck eastern Japan on May 11, 2023, according to the Japan Times.
The report stated that no tsunami was reported after the quake.
Earthquake preparedness
Earthquakes can devastate countries and societies. As a result, preparing for earthquakes is important to prevent major damage and injury.
Also read: Earthquake emergency: How homeowners can prepare
While earthquakes can occur without warning, people must remain calm to avoid further incidents. Knowing what to do can save you from disaster.
According to the Red Cross, earthquakes can trigger tsunamis, aftershocks, and landslides. When an earthquake becomes strong, it can cause severe damage to property, power lines, and infrastructure.
Drop it, cover it up, and keep putting it on
The practice of projection, covering, and retention is essential to families and communities. Falling or shattering of debris can become possible during an earthquake.
You may also cover your head as you move to safe or protected areas. You can take shelter under a sturdy table or desk for immediate protection.
Stay updated with earthquake news reports and forecasts.
Staying abreast of earthquake reports is helpful. Maintaining multiple sources of information can help you stay prepared and anticipate the impact of an upcoming earthquake.
While an earthquake is unpredictable, homeowners can prepare by knowing recent earthquake events in their areas.
Emergency kits and supplies
It is best for homeowners to keep emergency kits and supplies on hand. Earthquakes can lead to power outages and inaccessible roads.
Emergency kits are life-saving when earthquakes wreak devastating damage on communities. Here are suggested emergency kits for homeowners.
Battery-operated radio Battery-operated flashlight Extra batteries Fully charged mobile phones Power banks Medicine kits Non-perishable goods Water supplies
Furthermore, the Red Cross has prepared how homeowners should collect emergency kits. I read here.
Related article: Is it possible to predict earthquakes? Scientists are looking for ways to detect early warnings.
For more news, don’t forget to follow Nature’s World news.
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Sources 2/ https://www.natureworldnews.com/articles/56671/20230527/japan-earthquake.htm The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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