Newly found skeletons in Pompeii give more evidence of an earthquake
The recent discovery of two skeletons at the archaeological site of Pompeii provides further evidence of the devastating impact of the volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79. However, these skeletons were found under a collapsed wall, which indicates that the victims may have died as a result of strong earthquakes that occurred along with the volcanic eruption.
The couple, believed to be two men aged at least 55, were found in recent excavations of the Chaste Lovers building in Pompeii.
It is believed that they were killed when the earthquake destroyed a wall in the room where they had taken refuge. One of the skeletons raised an arm as if in defense.
The earthquake occurred when the massive eruption from nearby Mount Vesuvius blanketed the city of Pompeii in thick volcanic ash, preserving the bodies of many of its residents.
To date, the remains of more than 1,000 people have been discovered across the sprawling site, most recently in November 2020 when archaeologists discovered the bodies of two believed to be an enslaved youth and his owner.
The Pompeii Archaeological Park said in a statement that the two newly discovered victims on Tuesday “most likely died due to multiple traumas caused by the collapse of part of the building.”
They are found in what is believed to be storage within the ‘Chaste Lovers’ block, where colorful wall paintings and the skeletons of mules who worked millstones for grain in the past were discovered.
The skeletons were found lying on their side with their legs twisted, and one of them was wearing a ring on his left hand.
Archaeologists estimate that 15% to 20% of Pompeii’s population died in the explosion, mostly from heat shock as a giant cloud of gases and ash blanketed the city.
This undated photo shows one of the skeletons discovered in the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, likely a middle-aged male who died in an earthquake during the devastating volcanic eruption that buried the Italian city in AD 79, Pompeii, Italy, May 16, 2023. ( AFP) protects himself
Earthquakes before and during the eruption, as documented in the Letters of the Roman author Pliny the Younger, also took their toll.
“Among the causes of death, the collapse of buildings, in some cases caused by earthquakes that accompanied the explosion, was a mortal threat,” the park said.
Modern technology helps archaeologists “understand the inferno that completely destroyed the city of Pompeii in two days, killing many inhabitants: children, women and men,” said the director of Pompeii, Gabriel Zuchtregel.
Traces of what is believed to be a bundle of cloth were found next to one of the victims, containing necklace beads and coins.
Inside the room was an amphora and a collection of bowls and jugs, while the next room contained a domestic shrine as a mural and a narrow bathroom with a toilet.
In the room where the men were found, Park said, part of a wall had collapsed, injuring one of the victims “whose raised arm probably alludes to the tragic image of a vain attempt to protect himself from falling.”
Italian Minister of Culture Gennaro Sangioliano conducts an inspection at the newly established excavation site called Regio IX (Area 9) in the Pompeii Archaeological Park, Pompeii, Italy, May 29, 2023. (AA Photo) History of Pompeii
Pompeii is an ancient Roman city located near Naples in Italy. It was a thriving and prosperous city until its catastrophic destruction due to the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. The volcanic eruption buried the entire city under layers of volcanic ash and pumice, leaving it remarkably well preserved and offering unique insights into ancient Roman life.
The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79 came as a devastating surprise to the residents of Pompeii. The volcano spewed a massive plume of ash, gas, and rock into the sky, followed by pyroclastic flows—fast-moving clouds of hot gas, ash, and debris—that engulfed the city. The suddenness and intensity of the volcanic eruption meant that many people were taken by surprise and had little chance of escape.
For centuries, Pompeii remained buried and forgotten until its rediscovery in the eighteenth century. Excavations at the site began in 1748, and have revealed a well-preserved snapshot of life in ancient Rome. Layers of ash and debris acted as a natural time capsule, sealing in the city, its buildings, artifacts, and even human remains, freezing them in time.
Archaeological investigations have revealed an enormous wealth of information about Pompeii. The city’s ruins include well-preserved houses, temples, theatres, baths, and markets. Colorful murals, mosaics, and graffiti provide insight into the daily lives, beliefs, and social structures of the people who live there.
Today, Pompeii stands as one of the most important archaeological sites in the world and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It attracts millions of visitors every year who come to witness the remarkable preservation of this ancient Roman city.
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