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Months after an earthquake destroys a home, a Rio Del woman is struggling to find new housing – Times-Standard

Months after an earthquake destroys a home, a Rio Del woman is struggling to find new housing – Times-Standard


Sonja Skates has lived in Humboldt County most of her life. Her first job was delivering Times-Standard newspapers on horseback in McKinleyville in the 1970s.

Skates, 63, had been couchsurfing since December when the home she had rented for 15 years in Rio Del fell off its foundation during the 6.4-magnitude earthquake that permanently destroyed dozens of homes and saw two deaths. One of those deaths was her boyfriend of 33 years, Wayne Davis.

She was unable to gather most of her personal belongings due to limited space and the instability of moving from one sofa to another while staying with friends or family. Of all her missing belongings, she first talks about the sculptures Davis made of her, as she chokes.

“We used to give the kids gifts for Christmas and birthdays, boxes of jewelry, and he made me little tables,” she said. He worked in the lumber industry and was in a shed the night of the earthquake. She said they had trouble sleeping that night.

Davis died the night of the earthquake. He was visiting the Scotts from Oregon. Having experienced a medical crisis shortly after the quake, she said it took emergency services two hours that night to reach them. She only had time to get her medication and some clothes before leaving her home.

Scates had to visit the crematorium in two hours of sleep.

“I feel like everything has been ripped out from under me. Because I lost my boyfriend there,” she said. Later, she added that she didn’t have time to sort out the afterlife arrangements for him, because she was busy trying to find a place to live.

Her landlord tells her that he wants to move back into the property, which is why she has to find a new place. In addition, the building was not suitable for human occupancy, after the toilet was broken and the hot water tank had a leak. About 25% of households in Rio del Rio were affected by the earthquake. 289 is still marked with red or yellow markings, meaning the buildings are unsafe for habitation.

Skates sleeps on her brother’s couch in McKinleyville at the moment, but says surfing on the couch is hard for her.

Maria Kinenson, her friend, drives Skats because she can’t see well.

“This is her last couch – she has nowhere to go, everything is sold out,” said Keninson. Skats said she has to keep her insulin cold and said she’d be afraid someone would steal her medication at a group shelter.

Kinenson said the county-sponsored voucher program that paid for hotel stays for earthquake survivors had run out by the time they reached out to case managers. The hotel voucher program ended 90 days after the disaster.

Scates was looking for a private hire and ran into obstacles. Rents are exorbitant and it can be difficult for older generations to navigate online-only applications. I applied to many places, but still no luck.

She said, “I’m not just talking about myself, I’m talking about other people who are in the same situation, trying to get places.” She said rental companies don’t look at people “who are 63 and have to wear a ripped coat” when so many apply for places. She has a steady income and doesn’t get paid three times the rent, which is a requirement that many real estate companies put forward.

While some of the displaced earthquake victims remained in Rio del, Scatz moved to where the family was and where more real estate was located. Some face leaving the community after their homes are destroyed – 70% of earthquake-affected families earn less than $50,000 a year, and some face exorbitant repair costs.

“When I’m not on the move, I go crazy, because I feel like I still need to keep going so I can get a place,” she said.

Kinenson asked anyone who might have a clue to get somewhere please send it to [email protected] or call 707-441-0504

Those who wish to access case management may call 707-382-5890

Sage Alexander can be reached at 707-441-0504




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