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Support UNICEF to aid earthquake relief efforts in Türkiye

Support UNICEF to aid earthquake relief efforts in Türkiye


In 2018, two Turkish friends—a boy named Baki and a girl named Hava—finished middle school in Kahramanmaras, a city of 300,000 people near the Mediterranean coast. Then their paths diverged. Hava moved 180 miles to the northwest, to the city of Nevsehir, while the rest remained in their hometown. Time and distance blighted their relationship; For five years they did not speak. Then, on the 5th of February, Hava returned to Kahramanmaraş to visit his family. The next day, two 7.7-magnitude earthquakes hit southern Turkey and northern Syria, with the epicenter of Kahramanmaraş in Turkey. One of the deadliest natural disasters in the region’s recent history, it claimed more than 50,000 lives and left hundreds of thousands homeless, including Hava and his parents.

The family has been moved to a temporary shelter at a local soccer field where hundreds of tents are lined up side by side. There, as she stepped out of a nearby tent, Hava caught a glimpse of a strangely familiar face: Baki. Her family home was also destroyed. Amidst the chaos, it felt like a godsend.

But for Baki, the loss of other close friends made the devastation of the earthquake unbearable. “Maybe it would be easier if we didn’t have such close friends,” he said one afternoon at the Kahramanmaras football stadium. “If I wasn’t so close to my friends who lost their lives during the earthquake, it wouldn’t be so hard.”

However, in the aftermath of the disaster, he finds her relationships with the friends who survived more vibrant than ever. He said, “Everything you do with friends changes you and gives you meaning.” “All we have is family and friends. What else is there? This earthquake has proven to us that we never had anything else. Everything you own can disappear in an instant. Look at all the homes, all the material things we’ve lost. But friendship remains.” Here. And we hold it tightly, carefully in our hands. In return, it helps us hold on to life.”

Baki and Hava spoke with GQ Turkey in a child-friendly space created by UNICEF and its partners on the playground to give children and adolescents some semblance of normalcy. In the three-and-a-half months since the disaster, the nonprofit has helped more than 330,000 children access education, and provided hundreds of thousands more with educational materials, psychosocial and mental health support, access to water supplies and hygiene, critical children’s vaccinations, and frontline training. .

Once, before the earthquake, Baki had gone camping with a group of friends, a trip for which he felt inappropriate. “I couldn’t sleep all night under the canvas,” he said. “It was cold, I felt short of breath.” The earthquake changed all that. He has now found a new sense of confidence. Every night I sleep in the tent, I tell myself, “So, you can do this.” You can do anything if you have to.”

This sense of self-reliance may have been honed in part by the psychological first aid provided by UNICEF. But he said what also helped her get through the crisis was the simple joy of resuming an old friendship. Tremors can cause great unrest, but his relationship with Hava persists. “With a strong friend by your side, nothing is scary anymore,” Baki said.

Join UNICEF to support the hundreds of thousands of children and adolescents affected by the earthquake.




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