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Updates to cervical cancer removal initiatives


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Dear friends and colleagues,

Despite the current COVID-19 pandemic, we have noted advances in the areas of primary prevention (HPV vaccination) and secondary prevention (screening and treatment of precancerous lesions) of cervical cancer.

On the eve of the 2020s Global Vaccine Summit, held on June 4, five HPV vaccine manufacturers have pledged to increase and deliver HPV vaccines to Gavi-supporting countries as a matter of priority. That commitment will allow Gavi to increase her reach from 50 million to 84 million girls over the next five-year period and prevent an estimated 1.4 million deaths from cervical cancer. It was a pleasure to see this life-saving investment in the lives of girls and women around the world. This will especially raise those in the poorest countries.

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In addition to being a revolution in cancer prevention, the HPV vaccine is truly effective and safe. We have to remember Dr. Tedros’ warning continue to maintain a safe delivery of routine immunizations against all deadly diseases that can be prevented by a vaccine such as cervical cancer, despite the disorders caused by COVID-19.

Learn more about HPV vaccination and safety

On June 25, I was thrilled to participate in a dialogue with a special focus on increasing access to screening and treatment to prevent cervical cancer. The webinar, organized by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), touched on the topics of cancer, HIV, sexual and reproductive health and law (SRHR). My colleagues and I talked about it WHO Global Strategy for Cervical Cancer Removal and our ongoing work to update screening and treatment guidelines for all women, including women living with HIV. We have announced a global study that will explore women’s perspectives on cervical health, examination and treatment, to help inform new WHO recommendations for screening and treatment. The poll will be active from July 1st.

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This year, the International Papillomavirus Conference (IPVC2020) is going virtually in its mission to harness the power of innovation in HPV research to achieve global prevention and control of HPV-related diseases such as uterine cancer. I am proud to introduce myself WHO Uterine Cancer Removal Strategy during the final plenary session on 24 July.

Members of the Director-General of the WHO Dr. Tedros Adhan Ghebreyesus Expert group for the removal of cervical cancer continue to remain open to maintain focus and make progress in the prevention and treatment of cervical cancer, despite COVID-19. HRH Crown Princess Dina Mired, president of the Union for International Cancer Control, recently announced an option on CNN highlighting the impact of COVID-19 on cancer patients. On June 27, Dr. Amina Abubkar-Bello, founder of the Raise Foundation, was a prominent lecturer at the launch of the CSO Coalition Against Cervical Cancer (CCACC), which is part of the 2020 Cancer Survivors Conference.

We are pleased to be able to report on the great news coming from Nigeria with Dr. Osagie Ehanire, the Minister of Health of that country, approving the drafting of the National Palliative Care Policy to address the needs of cancer patients in Nigeria. Ehanire revealed this at the Virtual National Stakeholder Forum on Cervical Cancer Removal organized by the National Cancer Program.

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I hope you and your loved ones continue to progress and stay in good health for uncertain times. Continue to follow our work by visiting our site on the WHO website and follow me on Twitter @DrNonoSimelela.

Warm greetings,
Dr. Nono Simelela
ADG, Special Adviser to the Director General for Strategic Program Priorities

Upcoming events

July 9, 2020
HPV examination of the uterus: opportunities for challenges and insights from the field
Wegetar sponsored by TogetHER for health

July 20 – 24, 2020
International Conference on Papilloma Virus (IPVC 2020)

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ADG, Special Adviser to the Director General for Strategic Program Priorities

What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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