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IOC and WHO launch Let’s Move campaign on Olympic Day to inspire and enable the world to move for better health

IOC and WHO launch Let’s Move campaign on Olympic Day to inspire and enable the world to move for better health
IOC and WHO launch Let’s Move campaign on Olympic Day to inspire and enable the world to move for better health


The International Olympic Committee (IOC) today announced a new global initiative to inspire the world to move more every day. Led by Olympians and created in collaboration with the WHO, Let’s Move will begin on Olympic Day, 23 June 2023, with a call to take time every day to move for better health.

The world is moving faster than ever, but people are moving less and less. Research has shown that one in four adults and more than 80 percent of young people do not meet the recommended minimum levels of activity required for optimal health (WHO, 2022). Lack of time in the day is one of the most common reasons for not being able to achieve this goal. At the same time, starting with just 30 minutes of movement a day has significant health benefits for the heart, body and mind.

Regular physical activity can help prevent or manage certain diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and some types of cancer. It also helps prevent hypertension, and reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety. Being active also ensures healthy growth and development in young people and staying healthy in later life.

On June 23, 2023, the Olympic Movement will encourage and support people around the world to use this time in their daily lives to move in any way, anywhere. This includes a digital invitation from Olympians Allyson Felix, Pau Gasol, PV Sindhu, Yusra Mardini – to name a few of the athletes involved – to allocate 30 minutes to move this day with them and join the Let’s Move Olympic Day digital exercise from anywhere in the world, with the ambition to it becomes a daily habit.

IOC President Thomas Bach said: “On Olympic Day, we celebrate the Olympic Movement’s mission to make the world a better place through sport. When we play sports, it keeps our mind and body strong and healthy. When we play sports, it inspires us to always do our best and makes us dream, spreads joy and brings us closer together. This year, together with the World Health Organization, we highlight the positive effects of sports on physical and mental health. We want to inspire the world to move more every day. Sport and physical activity are low-cost, high-impact tools for healthy bodies and healthy minds and resilient communities.”

WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said: The Olympic movement has a unique ability to harness the power of increased physical activity through sport to improve public health. Olympians are more than athletes: they are role models for enjoying sports and the benefits of physical activity. The Krenimo initiative, supported by the World Health Organization, combines the power of the Olympic Games with the World Health Organization’s advice on physical activity to inspire and motivate people to move more for better health.”

Past and future Olympic hosts will also take part in the initiative by encouraging people to exercise in their local communities. Paris 2024 (together with the French Ministry of National Education and Youth and the Ministry of Sport and the Olympic and Paralympic Games) has already introduced 30 minutes of physical activity as part of the school curriculum over the past 12 months, in recognition of the many benefits of daily exercise for mental and physical health.

More than 131 mass participation events and digital activations will take place in all corners of the world organized by National Olympic Committees (NOCs) and the wider Olympic movement, providing an opportunity for everyone to move together on Olympic Day.

  • Australia: Holding a host of “Have a Go” activities in line with Let’s Move, featuring Olympic sports and hosted by Olympians, looking ahead to Brisbane 2032, 23-24 June 2023.
  • Barbados: Olympic Race Day, “GLOW 2K” with a late night start where runners will wear glow-in-the-dark wristbands, June 23, 2023.
  • Cabo Verde: mega Let’s Move Fitness Class, at Kebra Kanela Square, 23.6.2023.
  • Croatia: Olympic Day in Zagreb, June 17, 2023.
  • Guinea-Bissau: Olympic Day race, start in the city of Mansoa, where the OlympAfrica Center is located, on June 23, 2023.
  • Italy: Online training with Olympians and top athletes, June 1-25, 2023.
  • Mongolia: Olympic Day in Ulaanbaatar National Park, June 23, 2023.
  • Norway: Olympic day of running for children on the main street of Lillehammer, 24 June 2023.
  • People’s Republic of China: Olympic Day will be celebrated in more than 10 cities and will be linked to an online challenge that includes five activation events, from June 1 to 23, 2023.
  • Samsung Health Olympic Day Step Challenge: Reach 100,000 steps together on the Samsung Health app, 10-23 June 2023.
  • Thailand and the Lao People’s Democratic Republic: joint celebration at the second Thailand-Laos Friendship Bridge (Mukdahan-Savannakhet), June 24, 2023.
  • Around the world: A host of city landmarks will light up to inspire the world to move, including Barcelona, ​​Beijing, Mexico City and Tokyo, on June 23, 2023.

For more information on global and local Olympic Day participation events, visit

The Let’s Move initiative shines a light on the benefits of moving more and contributingwith according to the IOC Olympism365 strategy, where one of the key goals is to increase access to sporting opportunities and bring the health and social benefits of physical activity to communities in all parts of the world.

Let’s go encourages everyone to share how they got active on Olympic Day on social media by using #LetsMove #OlympicDay and tagging @Olympics to become a source of inspiration for others.

Let’s go on Olympic Day is the first event in a series of IOC initiatives with the ambition to support and inspire the world to move. It will contribute directly to Olympism365’s priority area “Sport, Health and Active Communities”, which is aimed at ensuring that more people, from different backgrounds, can enjoy the mental and physical benefits of participating in sport and physical activity.

Join the movement and @Olympics.

Notes to the editor

Memorandum of Understanding between the World Health Organization and the IOC
The World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) signed on May 16, 2020. agreement work together to promote health through sports and physical activity.

WHO Physical activity
Information sheet on physical activity

Olympic day
Olympic Day is a global celebration of sports and active activities. It is held on June 23 every year to commemorate the founding day of the International Olympic Committee in 1894 – the birth of the modern Olympic Games.

olympism 365
Olympism365 is the IOC’s strategy aimed at strengthening the role of sport as an important driver of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which it achieves through cooperation with a number of partners inside and outside the Olympic movement. The themes and priority areas for Olympism365 reflect the role that sport and Olympism in society can play for sustainable development goals by contributing to the creation of healthier and more active communities, fairer, safer and more inclusive communities, peacebuilding and education and livelihoods.

One such initiative included a joint program launched by the IOC and WHO in November 2022 that aims to strengthen the role of sport in contributing to the Global Action Plan for physical activity The goal is to reduce physical inactivity by 15 percent by 2030. As part of the three-year program, the IOC and the World Health Organization will join forces to provide guidance, training and tools to health and sports organizations to help more people move, with increased support from the IOC- and for initiatives for participation in sports and physical activities in the community.

Learn more about Olympism365

International Olympic Committee

The International Olympic Committee is a non-profit, civil, non-governmental, international organization made up of volunteers that strives to build a better world through sport. It redistributes more than 90 percent of its revenue to the wider sports movement, meaning that every day the equivalent of US$4.2 million goes to help athletes and sports organizations at all levels around the world.

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