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Small islands agree to bold action plan for health and climate crises

Small islands agree to bold action plan for health and climate crises
Small islands agree to bold action plan for health and climate crises


Today, The 2023 Bridgetown Declaration on Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) and Mental Health. was launched to address some of the world’s deadliest diseases in small island developing states (SIDS), which are particularly at risk. The declaration is a key result SIDS Ministerial Conference on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) and Mental Healthwhich takes place from 14 to 16 June and is jointly hosted by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Government of Barbados.

SIDS is disproportionately affected by NCDs – which cause 74% of all deaths worldwide – due to its dependence on imported food, commercial impacts and the climate crisis. New WHO report shows that 8 out of 15 countries with more than 30% risk of premature death from cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes or chronic respiratory disease are SIDS. The ten countries with the highest obesity rates globally are all SIDS in the Pacific, where more than 45% of adults live with obesity.

Mental health conditions are common in SIDS countries, affecting an estimated 15.2% of the Caribbean population and 11.2% of the Pacific population. People with mental health problems face a higher risk of premature mortality, including unresolved physical health problems and suicide. Stigma, lack of specialist staff and the impact of climate change contribute to a challenging situation in SIDS that requires urgent attention.

The 2023 Bridgetown Declaration outlines bold steps to address the range of social, environmental, economic and commercial issues that lead to non-communicable diseases and mental health conditions. Developed through an inclusive process led ‘for’ and ‘by’ SIDS, the declaration emphasizes that non-communicable diseases and mental health conditions cannot be properly addressed without responding to the climate crisis.

“Bold action for our climate, good health and well-being relies on correcting and reorganizing global finance to unlock billions in investment while making developing countries less penalized for defaulting on their debts,” said Her Excellency Mia Amor Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados. “Funding climate change adaptation and mitigation in the most vulnerable countries is also crucial, with non-communicable diseases and mental health.”

“The challenges facing small island developing States are interconnected and multifaceted. Climate change, environmental degradation, social and economic inequalities and commercial determinants of health are exacerbating the burden of non-communicable diseases and mental health conditions,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director WHO. – In general. “Despite their limited resources and geographic limitations, these nations have shown remarkable resilience in the face of adversity. Together, we must forge a path based on equity, resilience and sustainability. We must strengthen health systems, improve prevention and early detection, and prioritize the integration of NCDs and mental health services in primary health care.”

The Director-General also pledged that WHO will work to mobilize financial resources to develop climate-resilient, environmentally sustainable health facilities in SIDS. WHO will also continue to advocate for ‘loss and damage’ financing for climate change adaptation and mitigation investments in lower income countries.

As part of the agreement on the Declaration, SIDS has signed up to undertake a series of actions covering areas such as engaging the whole of society, accelerating implementation, securing investment, aligning between governments and tracking progress. The conference also presented SIDS’ concrete NCD and mental health commitments, including improving access to mental health care in primary care settings, updating tobacco control legislation to include e-cigarettes and cigarettes, and reducing salt intake and of sugar among the population. These obligations are harmonized with those of the WHObest buys‘ – a set of cost-effective, evidence-based interventions to address non-communicable diseases.

The Best Buys list was recently updated at the World Health Assembly in May to include secondary prevention of rheumatic fever, acute and long-term management of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, as well as several interventions for cervical, breast, colorectal, liver and childhood cancers and comprehensive treatment cancer for those living with HIV.

“SIDS in America remains highly vulnerable to non-communicable diseases. This ministerial conference comes at a unique time and will be crucial in amplifying the voice and needs of SIDS, putting NCDs and mental health at the forefront of our priority list,” said Dr. Jarbas Barbosa, PAHO Director and WHO Regional Director- and for America. . “To build on this momentum, we must act now. PAHO is ready to support accelerated implementation of interventions in our region, including mainstreaming care for these conditions into primary health services and taking advantage of innovations such as digital health tools.”

SIDS countries have experience in this encouraging global decision-making; theirs Port of Spain and SAMOA road agreements paved the way for the first UN political declaration on non-communicable diseases in 2018.

The Conference and Declaration will inform and shape the upcoming high-level meetings of the UN General Assembly on universal health coverage in September 2023. NCD in 2025




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