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The Rabat Declaration for Improving the Health of Refugees and Migrants was adopted

The Rabat Declaration for Improving the Health of Refugees and Migrants was adopted


Ministers and government representatives adopted a revolutionary political declaration Rabat declarationto strengthen the global commitment to improve the health of refugees and migrants.

The Rabat Declaration was adopted during the high-level segment of the Third Global Consultation on the Health of Refugees and Migrants held on June 13 and 15, 2023. The event, hosted by The Kingdom of Morocco, the World Health Organization (WHO), IOM, the UN Migration Agency and UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, were attended by representatives of the governments of 48 member states of the United Nations. (1) and observers as well as representatives of humanitarian organizations, civil society and refugee and migrant communities and UN agencies.

The meeting aimed to promote the inclusion of refugees and migrants in national health systems as part of the global movement for universal coverage of health services and work on resilient and sustainable prevention, preparedness and capacity to respond to health emergencies.

One in eight people in the world is either a migrant or forcibly displaced due to factors including conflict, persecution, environmental degradation or lack of human security and opportunity.

Taking into account the progress made in the health of refugees and migrants and taking into account the lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic, countries supporting the Rabat Declaration have committed to:

  • accelerate efforts to improve the health of refugees, migrants and their host communities;
  • address the underlying causes that negatively affect their health; and
  • work to include health and social protection issues in national policies regarding refugees and migrants.

The Declaration also reaffirms the right of every human being, including refugees and migrants, to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health.

Recognition of professional health certificates, improvement of information and communication channels to combat misperceptions and misinformation, ensuring safe working environments for refugees and migrants as well as investing in inclusive and appropriate data systems and high-quality global research are highlighted in the declaration as key to progress towards the goals.

Countries that support it commit to include refugee and migrant populations and their host communities in policies and plans for prevention, preparedness, response and recovery from pandemics and other public health emergencies, while strengthening international and cross-border cooperation.

Stakeholders also commit to foster inclusive financing mechanisms to reduce budgetary pressures on national systems and promote meaningful participation of refugees and migrants in health policy discussions to identify and design appropriate interventions for their health needs.

Official quotes:

“Holding this rally in the Kingdom of Morocco supports our country’s tireless efforts for social justice, believing that health is a fundamental right for everyone, including migrants and refugees. In this context, the phenomenon of migration and asylum has always been an integral part of the history of the Kingdom of Morocco, because Morocco is considered a point of intersection between Africa, Europe and the Middle East, and is perceived as a transit point, a receiving country and a safe haven for anyone who asks for it.”

Khalid Ait Taleb, Minister of Health and Social Protection of the Kingdom of Morocco

“Refugees and migrants face significant health threats and significant barriers to accessing the health services they need. Protecting the health and dignity of refugees and migrants on their often dangerous journeys, and in the countries that receive them, is a matter of human rights and human decency. Because health means everything to everyone, including refugees and migrants.”

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health Organization

“Our ultimate goal for this consultation is to promote appropriate interventions that improve, protect and preserve the health and well-being of all refugees and migrants and host communities. This goal cannot be achieved without political commitment and a whole-of-government approach. And that means involving representatives of the ministries of health, finance, foreign affairs, internal affairs, planning and other senior officials.”

Ahmed Al-Mandhari, Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean, World Health Organization

“Member States today pledged that no one will be left behind in addressing the health needs of those who are forcibly displaced. Their commitment to not only include refugees, migrants and host communities in national health policies and plans, but also to include them meaningfully in policy debate on health is a significant move towards universal health coverage and is worthy of global support.”

Raouf Mazou, UNHCR Assistant High Commissioner for Operations

“IOM is encouraged by the Rabat Declaration, which outlines comprehensive commitments to promote the health of refugees and migrants. This consultation will be a milestone that embodies the political commitment of governments to strengthen global cooperation and mutual support to improve the health of migrants and refugees, and inform upcoming high-level health and migration meetings and forums.”

Othman Belbeisi, IOM Regional Director MENA

Note to editors

The 3rd Global Consultation on Refugee and Migrant Health served as a valuable platform for meaningful and sustainable dialogue on refugee and migrant health across sectors. It offered an opportunity to examine progress, emerging challenges and opportunities for increased action, adhering to the principles of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Global Compact on Refugees, the Global Compact on Migration and the World Health Organization’s GAP.

The third global consultation aimed to inform policy decisions, contribute to relevant international goals and promote the implementation of appropriate interventions that improve, protect and preserve the health and well-being of all refugees and migrants and host communities.

For more information, contact:

WHO – [email protected]

IOM: Safa Msehli, [email protected]

UNHCR: Olga Sarrado [email protected]

1. Algeria maintains its position on the third paragraph of the preamble of the Rabat Declaration.




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