Sunken seamounts offer evidence of slow-moving earthquakes – ScienceDaily
Scientists have long puzzled over what happens when seamounts — mountains and volcanoes on the seafloor — are pulled into subduction zones. Now, new research from the University of Texas at Austin shows that when seamounts sink, they leave behind a trail of soft sediment. Researchers believe that patches of sediment help tectonic pressure escape gradually in slow-slip earthquakes rather than violent tremors.
The findings, published June 7, 2023, in the journal Nature Geoscience, could be used to modify earthquake models and help scientists uncover the mechanisms that trigger earthquakes.
The research was led by Nathan Pang, senior research scientist at the University of Texas Geophysics Institute. In 2018, Bangs led an ocean seismic survey that resulted in the first-ever 3D survey of a large, tilting seamount. The long-extinct volcano known as Babaco Seamount lies three miles below the sea floor within the Hikurangi subduction zone off the coast of New Zealand.
Images from the survey show seamount impact at the subduction zone and the pattern of pressures, fluids, and sediments surrounding it. Previous models suggested that sediment is being pushed down a subduction zone by a seamount, but the survey revealed something different: a massive sediment trail in the wake of Pāpaku.
And in yet another surprise, scientists have discovered a faint trace of a much larger seamount that sank long ago under New Zealand’s North Island.
According to Bangs, the discovery indicates that sunken seamounts are pulling up enough water-rich sediment to create suitable conditions in the crust for slow-slide earthquakes, at least in New Zealand.
“This older type appears to be more closely related to the high ridge that is already in the crosshairs where the recent slow-sliding activity was,” Bangs said. “There may be other places like Cascadia (in the Pacific Northwest, US) that have submerged seamounts and a lot of sediment, but because the subducting crust there usually has less water than Hikurangi, it might be less likely that they have the same shallow type. Slow sliding activity.
Slow earthquakes are slow-moving versions of large earthquakes, releasing similar levels of pent-up tectonic energy but in a creeping, harmless way that can take days or weeks to unfold. Scientists believe crust formation is a key factor in how tectonic energy is released, with softer, wetter rocks allowing plates to slide slowly, while brittle, dry rocks storing energy until it fails in violent and deadly earthquakes.
The new findings reveal how these conditions sometimes emerge and, more importantly, Bangs says, tell scientists what to look for in other subduction zones of the world.
The research and seismic survey were funded by the National Science Foundation and similar science agencies in New Zealand, the United Kingdom and Japan. The University of Texas Institute of Geophysics is a research unit of the Jackson School of Geosciences.
Sources 2/ https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/06/230622120919.htm The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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