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United Nations Population Fund Turkey Earthquake Situation Report No. 5 – 19 June 2023 – Turkey

United Nations Population Fund Turkey Earthquake Situation Report No. 5 – 19 June 2023 – Turkey
United Nations Population Fund Turkey Earthquake Situation Report No. 5 – 19 June 2023 – Turkey



Status update

• Four months after the devastating Kahramanmaraş earthquake that struck on February 6, 2023, the most prominent need remains for the restoration of housing units and public infrastructure, including public service buildings.

• Overall, 107,000 injured and more than 50,000 deaths have been reported. 3 million people were forced to leave their homes, 1.6 million people still live in informal settlements (half of them women and girls) and about 800,000 in formal sites.

• The UN Flash Appeal ended in May 2023 and UN agencies and NGOs are working on a Transition Early Recovery Strategy that addresses remaining humanitarian needs through coordination, a long-term plan for resource mobilization and resettlement, and a focus on the “leaving no one behind” principle to complement the government’s response .

• Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs: The health infrastructure in the affected districts has been severely damaged. 42 buildings out of 136 hospitals in the area were severely or moderately damaged2. In addition, 34 out of 97 migrant health centers serving the 1.7 million refugees and migrants who were residing in the area stopped functioning, which negatively affected the provision of sexual and reproductive health services. According to the preliminary results of the UNFPA evaluation, health workers in primary health care centers only have the capacity to treat acute health problems, and while the number of health units established in camps or containers has increased, there is still a large gap in accessing and providing services to individuals. Residents in rural areas or outside camp/container settings. Demand for contraceptives and medication among those affected remains high.

• Provide GBV services and protection needs: Women and girls are at increased risk of gender-based violence, including domestic violence, sexual violence and sexual exploitation. Rents have increased in the affected areas, and disruption to livelihoods has forced many people to continue living in overcrowded informal settlements. This also leads to additional tensions at the family level and leads to an increase in domestic violence cases. Women often feel insecure and uncomfortable expressing their concerns and needs due to the predominant presence of male staff involved in the distribution of humanitarian aid and services. Many women face difficulties in pursuing legal cases related to gender-based violence, as legal documents have been lost and lawyers working on cases have lost their lives in earthquakes (120 in Hatay alone). This also limits access to judicial services for GBV survivors who wish to report new incidents. The move from tents to container settlements has also increased risks of GBV, as women and girls who have not yet moved to container cities and still reside in sparsely populated tented settlements are particularly vulnerable to sexual violence and other security concerns.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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