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The Winchester Mystery House in San Jose is celebrating its centennial

The Winchester Mystery House in San Jose is celebrating its centennial


Winchester Mystery House celebrates its 100th anniversary

The South Bay landmark that withstood earthquakes, economic turmoil and global pandemics will celebrate its centenary this week.

SAN JOSE, Calif. — The South Bay landmark that withstood earthquakes, economic turmoil, and global pandemics will celebrate its 100th anniversary this week.

“All of this contrasts sharply with this old building here and all this new construction on Santana Row here. It’s a complete contrast,” said Paul Brandson, a tourist in Santa Rosa.

For a century, development has boomed around Sarah Winchester’s core San Jose area. However, the 19th-century house still attracts visitors from all over the world.

And it was a crazy, crazy house,” said Jackie Barclay, a newlywed who spent part of her mini honeymoon in San Jose.

The mysterious Winchester home was designed by gun manufacturing heiress Sarah Winchester in 1886 after she moved from Connecticut to San Jose. Over the following decades, there were renovations, additions, and even damage from the great earthquake of 1906.

Winchester died in 1922, and her home was finally completed a year later, opened as a popular tourist attraction.

“We’re a historical landmark that millions of people have visited and been inspired by over the past 100 years. And I think it’s so special, like a time capsule, that you can walk into Sarah Winchester’s home and feel like she just walked away,” said Walter Magnuson, executive director of the Winchester Mystery House.

In 2018, Hollywood filmmakers were inspired by the spirit of Winchester, releasing a film centered around the house and its famous architect. Actress Dame Helen Mirren portrayed the lead role.

“As a character shrouded in mystery,” Dame said in previous interviews while promoting the film.

The house itself remains shrouded in mystery, with no shortage of ghost stories circulating within its 160 rooms. It is an uncanny delight for visitors who travel in from all over the world, eager to explore the staircases that lead to nowhere in their quest to unravel a century-old mystery.

“It seems to be a San Jose staple. That’s the only reason I wanted to visit,” said Barkley.

Festivities to celebrate the house’s centenary will begin Friday with Mayor Matt Mahan reading a proclamation officially designating June 30, 2023, as “Winchester Mystery House Day.”

Events will conclude on Sunday morning with a 1923-style brunch.

Officials have announced plans to bury a time capsule that will remain underground until the year 2123, when the house will be 200 years old.

Jesse Gary is a reporter working in the station’s South Bay desk. Follow him on Twitter, @JesseKTVU and on Instagram, @jessegontv.




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