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Seismic activity in the Fagradalsville area raises fears of a possible volcanic eruption | IceNews

Seismic activity in the Fagradalsville area raises fears of a possible volcanic eruption |  IceNews


Earthquake activity in the Fagradalsfjall area on the Reykjanes Peninsula has caught the attention of scientists and residents alike. Since the initial seismic activity began on July 4, a staggering 4,700 earthquakes have been recorded, indicating that an important geological event may be occurring beneath the surface.

The latest update on July 6, at 6:00 p.m., revealed the results of the COSMO-SkyMed Interferograph, a satellite image showing ground distortion caused by a new intrusion into the dam that began on July 4. The image displays a series of multicolored ridges centered between Fagradalsphial and Keeler, clearly showing the extent of Earth’s deformation. The observed maximum deformation, measured in the satellite line-of-sight, is 18 cm in the northwest direction.

It is important to note that while the deformation signal covers a large area of ​​the western Rekjan Peninsula, it does not necessarily indicate the presence of magma beneath the entire area. Magma intrusion is limited to the area between Fagradalsfjall and Keilir, with no indications of additional movements outside this specific area.

The interference diagram also reveals many small patterns criss-crossing the edges, which represent fault movements and earthquakes that occur during dike propagation. These seismic events emphasize the dynamic nature of ongoing geological activity.

In the latest update on July 6th, 12:30 PM (from the Icelandic Met Office), it was reported that the earthquake swarm on the Reykjanes Peninsula continues unabated. Since midnight that day, more than 1,300 earthquakes have been detected, bringing the total number of earthquakes to more than 4,700 since the swarm began on July 4. There were several earthquakes with a magnitude of 3.5 on the Richter scale, and the strongest earthquakes are still felt in the southwest of the country. While the overall swarm intensity has decreased slightly in terms of the number and strength of earthquakes, the situation remains worrying.

The spatial distribution of the seismic epicenters forms the northeast-southwest line between Fagradalsvall and Keeler, mainly concentrated north of Little Hurtor Mountain. Recent ground deformation observations using GPS technology indicate large movements, indicating magma spreading in the highly concentrated earthquake zone. Experts believe that magma penetration moving northeast-southwest at a depth of 2 to 4 km is the likely explanation. What is of concern is that the intrusion is close enough to the Earth’s surface that an eruption can occur without any further escalation in seismic activity or ground deformation.

Based on the current assessment, two possible outcomes are expected. The first is a gradual decrease in seismic activity without magma reaching the surface. The second possibility is that seismic activity will decrease when magma stops moving laterally but starts rising toward the surface, similar to what was observed before the previous volcanic eruption in the area. An eruption near the current seismic focus is likely in this scenario. However, it is important to note that magma reaching the surface anywhere within the region between Fagradalsfjall and Keilir cannot be ruled out. Of the two outcomes, an eruption within the coming days or weeks is considered more likely.

While the earthquake swarm continues, the main danger lies in the strong seismic ground motion caused by the largest earthquakes in the sequence and the possibility of earthquakes caused by nearby faults. The largest earthquakes recorded so far caused local rockfalls, prompting authorities to advise against walking near rocky cliffs or steep cliffs near Keilir, Fagradalsfjall and Kleifarvatn.

The situation in the Fagradalsfjall area is still being watched closely by scientists and authorities. Continuous monitoring and analysis of seismic activity, ground deformation and other geological indicators is conducted to provide timely warnings and ensure the safety of residents in the area.




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