Google is betting on submerged optical fibers to track earthquakes and tsunami faster
For a long time, seismologists have tracked earthquakes and tsunamis by renting undersea fiber optics (with sensors) from commercial operators. However, the range is limited to 100 km and sometimes accuracy is often required. Now, Google says it has developed new technologies that extend the range to thousands of kilometers in the ocean.
Internet data, which is transmitted as light pulses, travels inside undersea optical fibers at a speed of 2,04,190 km per second. Optical cables are not always straight and bend at certain turns between continents, distorting light. When light pulses meet at the end of the cable, the distortion is corrected by digital signal processing technology.
Google report “One of the characteristics of light that is traced as part of the optical transfer is the polarization state (SOP). SOP changes in response to mechanical disturbances along the cable and tracking these disturbances enables us to detect seismic activity,” he said.
Based on SOP data, Google first launched a project on seismic tracking for ground cables in 2013, but environmental challenges caused many outages and were suspended.
Five years later, scientists have come up with a new research paper claiming success in seismic tracking in both terrestrial and subsea conditions using very narrow-range lasers. But they tested it less than 535 km to Earth and 96 km to the sea.
Google read the study, and in October 2019, I decided to conduct a similar experiment and dive deeper into the sea. Google experts attempted to detect earthquakes based on spectral signatures, as they performed a slight analysis of the Stokes parameters to consider which frequencies are typical for earthquakes.
She began observing SOP on most of her cable under the sea and found it stable, even after the signal moved within 10,500 kilometers. However, on January 20, earlier this year, Google discovered a large earthquake of 7.7 (on the Richter scale) on the coast of Jamaica, 1,500 kilometers from a Google cable. I was able to detect in just five minutes of the earthquake and recorded that the duration of the rise in seismic activity was about 10 minutes.
“We have shared our results with Dr. Zhongwen Zhan of the California Institute of Psychological Technology, who confirmed our observations and provided additional insight into the travel times for different types of seismic waves and expected frequency bands for SOP flights,” the Google report said.
Google recorded multiple seismic activities with moderate-range earthquakes and a force of 6.1 in the eastern Pacific Ocean, about 2,000 kilometers from the optical cable. There was clear SOP activity with timing consistent with observations made at the seismic tracking station in Talpa, Mexico.
The coastline was destroyed after the tsunami. Image Credit: Pixabay
“We are excited about the early success in detecting seismic events with undersea cables, which can improve our ability to monitor both Earth’s structure and seismic dynamics. But this is just the beginning,” Google said.
However, the company says seismic tracking technology is still working in the progress model and more can be done to improve accuracy and early detection as well. These factors are very crucial in sending a warning to nearby coasts to save lives.
Google hopes to create a robust seismic system. It says researchers need advanced mathematics and data analyzes. For this, advanced computing systems are needed, and the company says Google Cloud based on machine learning technology will play a crucial role. It will be useful in analyzing large data sets, which some time exceed the capacity of the human brain.
“We do not consider this approach as a substitute for dedicated seismic sensors but as a source of complementary information to enable early warnings of earthquakes and tsunamis. We are humble and enthusiastic about the possibility of cooperating with photovoltaic, marine and seismic research communities in order to use all our cable infrastructure to achieve greater societal benefits.”
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