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Mécénat Servier supports earthquake victims in Türkiye by building a community centre

Mécénat Servier supports earthquake victims in Türkiye by building a community centre


In response to the devastating earthquakes in Turkey last February, Mécénat Servier donated €500,000 to Needs Map, to build a 434 square meter community center in Kahramanmaraş, Turkey.

Needs Map is a social cooperative that brings together people in need with individuals and organizations seeking to help. Since the earthquake in Turkey, the nonprofit has provided help and support where it is needed most.

Apart from the immediate need for temporary shelter after an earthquake, community centers are also essential as they provide families with an opportunity to participate in social and solidarity activities.

Community centers are a sustainable solution that enables communities to continue their education, which in turn helps improve living conditions in the aftermath of a disaster.

They provide a comfortable living space that aims to create a peaceful environment for families who have the opportunity to participate in daily activities such as cooking, reading and cultural events.

With its innovative design, the center has a flexible layout that can be transformed into spaces to cater to a range of gatherings and activities. The center will benefit not only the families in the shelter, but all families who live in the neighborhood, who will also have access to all of the programs.

The completion of the construction of the center is scheduled for no later than the end of August.

“On February 6th, more than 50,000 people died in our country, leaving more than 1.5 million homeless and living in dire conditions. Millions have lost family members, jobs, savings, and hopes dashed. The sheer scale of the challenge is almost incomprehensible, and as we support the emergency response, we look forward to the massive efforts that will be necessary to restore normalcy in the region. “The purpose of this community center is to provide a structure in the shelter city that will host many NGOs to implement training, educational and social programmes. The center will be the one and only place for the neighboring communities to find the opportunity and space to rebuild their lives in dignified conditions. That is why we are proud of our partnership and our ability to make a positive social impact on the ground, together with Mécénat Servier.”

Esraa Arslan, Member of the Board of Directors of Needs Map.

Working in conjunction with the Servier subsidiary in Turkey, this initiative will enable staff to provide immediate assistance through skill-based care once the center opens.

Every Turkish person has gone through difficult times in the past few months, and we are happy to be able to turn our collaboration with Needs Map into a joint venture by building a community center that will benefit more than 500 families in the earthquake-hit area.

“We are proud to be part of a group that is responding to the unparalleled show of solidarity towards the Turkish people, thanks to Mécénat Servier. Last but not least, across the board, our local team is fully focused on actively participating in this initiative to ensure it achieves meaningful impact and sustainability through our efforts to help affected families rebuild their lives.”

Guillaume Recorbet, General Manager of Servier Turkey.




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