The parent company of Google is flying balloons carrying “floating mobile towers” across the ocean to bring the Internet to the Kenyan Rift Valley
Mary Messinal, 19 July 2020 19:14 IST
Loon has just launched a balloon-based internet in Kenya, in partnership with Telkom Kenya, part of Alphabet, Google’s parent company, and high-altitude balloons operate as “floating towers for mobile phones”.
Project Loon started as one of the Alphabet Projects on the Moon, and now offers Internet service in Kenya.
The company creates solar powered balloons that fly high in the stratosphere and send Internet access to Earth. These mobile and floating stations are more flexible than typical cellular stations, because they are constantly moving. They also have much wider coverage areas. Up to a hundred times the cell tower.
Currently, Loon stations are mostly used after disasters remove existing infrastructure, or in places where communication and connection towers are difficult, but Loon has much larger plans. “Loon is well positioned to play this role and act as an operating system for the global ecosystem in the future,” said Alistair Westgarth CEO. He hopes to create a third global layer of communication, above the cell towers on Earth and satellites in space.
Here’s how balloons work.
Color balloons are launched from stations in California and Puerto Rico. Source: Loon.Lunchers manually performed now is powered by two 90-foot robotic machines. Source: Loon, They can fire a balloon up to 60,000 feet every 30 minutes Source: Loon.
Helium and pressure are used to guide balloons, through machine learning algorithms. Source: Lone, balloons specifically aim to connect the Internet to a 50,000 square kilometer area in Kenya full of mountains and sometimes inaccessible terrain making traditional communication methods difficult. Source: Loon.Loon worked on this project with local Telkon Kenya, the third largest Internet service provider in Kenya. Source: Loon.Loon, CEO of Alastair Westgarth, said that the need for internet connections is more urgent with coronavirus, because people are unable to go to school, work or sometimes even a doctor. Source: Loon. To provide coverage for this area, Loon uses at least 35 balloons that will constantly move over the stratosphere in East Africa. Source: Loon.Loon will continue to add balloons of up to 35, and the internet will become more consistent as a result. Source: Loon. So far, the team has found that the connection works even for video calls and YouTube.Loon. Source: Loon Since this project started testing, Loon says it has already reached 35,000 users. Source: Loon. The balloons act as “floating cell towers”. Source: Loon. At any point, a particular balloon may provide an Internet connection, or act as a feeder in the mesh network to support other balloons, or reposition themselves. .Little. Source: Loon.Each has every solar panel and battery. Source: Loon According to Loon, the advantage of this floating internet connections is that it is flexible and needs much less time than cell phone tower or other permanent infrastructure. Source: Loon. Stations can also be used quickly in an infrastructure-depleting emergency, such as the earthquake that struck Peru last year. Source: Loon.
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