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The fault line in the Bay of Bengal: The Krishna Godavari fault line may lead to earthquakes and tsunamis in Vizag | Visakhapatnam News


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Hyderabad: Researchers at the University of Hyderabad (UoH) have found a major fault line along the coast in the Krishna-Godavari Basin in Andhra Pradesh and predicted it could lead to earthquakes and tsunamis in the future. The researchers said that the error was active once and may become active again. This poses a major earthquake threat to the northern coastal region of the state, especially the coastal city of Visakhapatnam. They described the long fracture line in the cross-section of the Rawda basin as a “major coastal risk in northern Andhra Pradesh”. The UoH team conducted the research in cooperation with the National Oceanographic Institute (NIO) and the Oil and Natural Gas Company Limited (ONGC). They revealed a broken or fault line frequently active east of north of AP. The Refractive Line has the maximum activity focused in the marine ocean of Visakhapatnam. They said that the fracture line may become active again in the future and may turn into a serious coastal event related to the earthquake and tsunami in and around the Visakhapatnam region. According to researchers, in the past 200 million years, two great continents called Gondwana and Laurasia have been fragmented into a number of continental masses, and then wandered to current locations on Earth’s surface. In this process, continental margins are related to one of two classes of continental margins: negative and active margins. “Inactive margins are tectonicly inactive and lie predominantly in the ocean of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, while active margins are bounded by the margins of the Pacific Ocean. The eastern margin of India was separated from eastern Antarctica 130 million years ago and now adjacent to the West Bay of Bengal is supposed to remain a margin Stable negative continental, and contrary to this traditional belief, the part of the eastern margin of India, which covers the geography of northern Andhra Pradesh, is associated with lateral movements along with the generations of earthquakes and tsunami. They said. The research team consisted of Professor KS Krishna, Dr. M Ismail from UoH, Dr. K Srinivas from NIO and Dr. D Saha from ONGC. The research study revealed the existence of a 300 km fracture line in the marine area north of Andhra Pradesh and about 100 km from the coast. The study, published in the Journal of Earth System Science, revealed that the fracture line was revitalized 6.8 million years ago, and activity gradually continued until 0.3 million years before stopping. It concluded that the fracture activity in the Krishna Godavari marine basin was variable in nature. There were intense tsunami events. At present, the fracture line is inactive and may become active whenever differential pressures on either side of the fracture line reach a threshold level and may turn into a geographic event in the future.


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