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The following Marvel saga attacks the heart of the Marvel universe


The start of the Marvel saga of the Dark Ages puts out the spotlight on the Marvel universe, depriving many heroes of the essence of their abilities.

Warning: The following article contains spoilers for the “Dark Ages” backup story at FCBD 2020 X-Men # 1 by Tom Taylor, Iban Coello, Brian Reber, and VC’s Joe Sabino, now available.

With a Marvel’s Free Comic Book Day show, the publisher started his next epic story: The Continuous Exit Series, Dark Ages. The story begins on a quiet night in New York City, which quickly turns into a total mess: a massive earthquake hits the city before a huge green wave of energy appears in the sky. After that, all the lights in the city are closed, and everything that works on technology simply no longer works. Without power, a plane falls from the sky. Without power, cell phones stop working. Without strength, Tony Stark’s Iron Man suit failed completely.

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Whatever happens not only to New York, it appears to be all over the world. The Marvel universe just fell into a literal dark age, and we have no idea how or why. Right now, all we know is that the tech nucleus of many Marvel heroes has just come under attack, and there will be absolutely nothing in this corner of Marvel Multiverse.

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The first hero to feel the weight of the dark ages is Iron Man. Tony Stark’s suit – his very great power – is completely technology dependent. But with electrical power completely turned off around the world, the highly advanced Armored Avenger suit is nothing more than an expensive paper weight. Worse still, electricity is cut off at the worst possible time for Starck: he’s in the middle of the trip. When his suit stops, he starts falling – and to make things even more terrifying, he’s on a collision course with an airplane.

When the Iron Man hits the wing of the plane, it causes a devastating explosion. The plane crashed to the ground in a ball of fire, and Tony lost his leg in the accident. After hitting one of his buildings, he left a wound and blood and without the same technology that makes his heroism possible. Without technology, there is simply no Iron Man.

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While this is where the introductory chapter from the Dark Ages leaves us, it becomes clear that Iron Man will not be the only victim of this global event. With no power, many superheroes and villains now find themselves without a portion allowing them to work. After all, any character who uses an advanced armor suit – from War Machine to Black Panther to some Spider-Man suits – is in the same position as Tony Stark to some extent or another.

What’s more, while multiple personalities have special abilities, some are still rooted in science and technology. For example, Mister Fantastic might be flexible, but it uses a lot of inventions and technology to help the world. Without strength, he is just someone who can stretch. Maybe robots or cyborgs might be disabled just like seeing.

Moreover, all aviation vehicles are essentially parked, and a list likely to include Avengers Avengers, Fantasticar and X-Men Blackbird aircraft. What’s more, the connections between team members are getting more complicated, because links and cell phones need energy to work.

On one level or another, almost every Marvel hero or villain uses technology to echo the thinking of the atomic age that informed the foundation of the Marvel universe and the reflection of life in the real world. But without it, everything changed. Without technology, the face of Marvel Universe was changed and the characters who once relied on him suffered a fatal cut. In this Marvel universe, the power dynamics has turned – literally – a matter of time only until a new thing or person appears to fill the void.

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About the author

Ian Cardona has written for CBR since 2017. He is a writer, breakout comedy and news writer. He’s been in love with comedy for a very long time, and he thinks there are some good things to find even in the toughest times in the industry. His favorite Avenger was Captain America, and that was long before the character shined in a very successful film franchise. It is a thirsty statue and Fanco Pop! Number collector, quickly running out of shelf space. With CBR, he was able to write about his favorite subjects, from MCU to Doctor Who. You can follow him on Twitter at @ ian_c1701 (Yes, this is a Star Trek reference) for discussions, discussions, or cool collectibles photos that may not be available.

More about Ian Cardona

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