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Yellowstone Volcano: How Scary 7.3-magnitude Earthquake Opens | Science News


The caldera inside the first national park in the United States gets its title as a super volcano because of its ability to wreak havoc on a world level. This area is located below the states of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, and is constantly monitored by the USGS (United States Geological Survey) for signs that a super revolution is on its way. While most of these accidents are not close to the levels necessary to cause an eruption, the 1959 Lake Hepgen earthquake of August 17, 1959 was a different story.

The 7.3-magnitude earthquake caused extensive damage, including 28 deaths and 9 million pounds (200,000,000 pounds today) in highway and timber repairs.

Joan Smith, who was 11 years old at the time of the disaster, recalled the horror of the event in 2009.

She said to the Denver Post: “It was scary, it was awful.

“You can actually see the ground open.”

The event caused a massive avalanche of rocks, soil, and trees, which descended from the southern wall of the Madison River Canyon at 100 miles per hour.

It took less than a minute to reach 80 million tons of rock to the narrow valley, damming the river and creating the lake.

The fallen matter formed a wall that obstructed the flow of the Madison River.

The visitor was Tuti Green camping in Yellowstone that evening with her family and remembering her terrifying experience.

She told the Forest Service in 2011: “We were on vacation and this was our last week, and we set up camp one day before the earthquake.

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“Stephen (her son) was sick so he was at the end of the tent with us, and we had a tent 18 feet long and when the earthquake started, it was like Earth with ocean waves.

“The unimaginable noise, I looked at the tent trap and saw the wall of water, rocks, trees and anything else – because it was a beautiful moonlit night.

“But after that, she couldn’t see anything because of the dust.”

She revealed Green to reveal how her family tried to escape from the scene, but she soon realized the seriousness of the situation.

She added, “I shouted at Ray (her husband)” Let’s get out of here. “He reached Steve who was just an arm and head, because that part of the tent had collapsed.

“We got out of the tent and painted a space for some time, but the next thing I remember was Steve in the front seat of the station wagon and Ray was trying to move him and he wouldn’t move.

“I don’t know how many people I took care of at the time, the mind has a great way to forget things, and so is age too.

“But we ended up caring for a number of people before someone said we had to get out of there because the dam was on its way [to collapse].

“So we went or the highway – because it was higher than the rest of the road – we went up to where the asylum spot is now – where I took care of the injured.”

The lake created by the earthquake now covers an area of ​​five miles and a width of one mile.

Today, tourists to the area can stop at the Earthquake Lake Visitor Center, 27 miles northwest of Yellowstone, to revive atrocities more than half a century ago.

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