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The Governor of Puerto Rico is under investigation to manage the Earthquake Aid



Puerto Rican Governor Wanda Vasquez Garsede speaks during a press conference. June 30, 2020. (Photo by RICARDO ARDUENGO / AFP via Getty Images)

Puerto Rico: Governor Wanda Vasquez Garcid is being officially investigated for mismanaging relief supplies for the victims of the December and December earthquake. The independent Special Prosecutor’s Office appointed a special prosecutor for the case yesterday. Four other government officials will also be investigated – including Interior Minister Antonio Baboon Patel and Senator Evelyn Vasquez Nevis.

Former Justice Minister Denis Longo Quinones was asked to resign earlier this month to refer the case to the Special Committee. Her administration began her own investigation into the Vasquez government’s failure to distribute disaster aid. A mobile video clip showed a store full of unused aid in Ponce weeks after the first earthquake.

The Special Committee has 90 days to complete its investigation. Vasquez is the first current governor of Puerto Rico to be investigated by the commission in recent history.

Headings from the Western Hemisphere cone

BRAZIL – Paraguay: A Brazilian court has approved a request to extract the body of ex-Paraguayan dictator Alfredo Strosner to conduct a DNA test and settle a suit filed by Paraguay that says he is Strosner’s son. Enrique Alfredo Fleetas says that his mother, Michelle Fleetas, who had an affair with Strosner in the 1970s until his death in 2006. As Strosner’s son, Fleetas claims that he must have access to $ 20 million in inheritance. Stroessner was married to Elijah Mora, and he had three children, but it was also known that he had many lovers throughout his life and had other children. Stroessner was buried in Brasilia, where he lived in exile from 1989 until his death.

Shelly: President Sebastian Pinera announced on Sunday a plan to start slowly reopening its doors after weeks of closure due to the coronavirus pandemic. The plan, called “Step by Step”, will consist of five phases: quarantine, transition, preparation, initial openness, and advanced openness. The stages will start at different times in different regions of Chile. Pinera said that Chile has seen an improvement in management of the coronavirus pandemic in the past five weeks, but the country has generally struggled to contain the virus. Chile has the largest number of cases in Latin America – with more than 330,000 confirmed cases and 8,550 deaths.


Ecuador: The National Court of Justice upheld an eight-year prison sentence on former President Rafael Correa and rejected Correa’s appeal yesterday. Correa was sentenced in April after being convicted of corruption charges for accepting bribes. His sentence also prevents him from participating in Ecuadorian politics for 25 years. In another blow to Korea, the National Electoral Council on Sunday suspended the Forza Compromizo Social Party, which had supported the former president. The party will not be allowed to participate in the 2021 presidential election.


Bahamas: Starting tomorrow, travelers from the United States will not be allowed to visit the Bahamas. The islands experienced a significant increase in COVID-19 cases after they reopened to tourism. There are 153 confirmed cases in the Bahamas so far, but 49 such cases have been confirmed after the islands reopened on July 1. Most of the island tourists come from the United States. Tourists from other countries will be allowed to visit. The epidemic has hit tourism economies in the Caribbean in particular, causing some to reopen it despite the risks. Bonaire and Curaçao have also banned visitors from the United States at this time.

Central America

Nicaragua: President Daniel Ortega reappeared yesterday after 39 days without appearing in public. Ortega spoke at a celebration of the 41st anniversary of the Sandinista Revolution. He said that only 91 people have died from COVID-19 in Nicaragua since the start of the epidemic, but he and Vice President Rosario Murillo wore masks at the event. Ortega has been largely absent from public opinion since March. He has continuously reduced the risk of the virus, and in his speech yesterday he criticized Nicaraguanans for arriving at hospitals when they were already struggling to breathe.

PANAMA: A suspect in the killing of seven people between the ages of 17 and 22 years was arrested near Lake Gatun on Saturday. The deceased was part of a larger group visiting the lake when two men were allegedly attacked by the two men. Six people survived. Investigators believed that the attack was not random because a survivor said that one of the attackers had said the name was a victim before killing him. Autopsies revealed the killing of seven in the head.

North Amarica

Mexico: The Minister of National Defense said yesterday that the “Elite” group in Jalisco, the new generation Cartel, is responsible for the videos released by Cartel. On Friday, a video was released showing dozens of armed men in military style with assault rifles and machine guns standing next to armored trucks. The video was a show of strength against President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who last week visited Guanajuato and Jalisco, two of Cartel’s strongholds. Lopez Obrador replied to the video yesterday, saying, “We will not declare war.” However, the authenticity of the video was questioned, as Minister of Security and Civil Protection Alfonso Durazo said he was under investigation.

Mexico: Homicide increased in the first half of 2020 compared to the same period last year, according to Security Minister Alfonso Durazo. The murders of women increased exponentially. Overall, there were 17,439 homicides in the first six months – 1.7% more than last year. The murders of women increased by 9.2%. The increase coincided with the coronavirus pandemic, as families spend more time confined to their homes. Other crimes, such as kidnappings and robberies, decreased.

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