Podcast: Escape from Thera – Eos
In the 1960s, archaeologists discovered a bronze age settlement near the village of Akrotiri on the southern side of a popular tourist destination on the Mediterranean, the Greek island of Santorini. As in the most famous sites of Pompeii and Herculaneum, burying rocks and falling volcanic dust burying the settlement, while maintaining multi-storey buildings, frescoes, tools, furniture, and food during a massive eruption blew the island, then known as Thira, circa 1600 BC.
Unlike Roman cities destroyed more than a thousand years later, there is no evidence of human remains in ancient Akrotiri. No causes of eruption were found. Archaeologists concluded that Thira gave its residents a warning, perhaps in the form of disturbing earthquakes, and they escaped reasonably on a boat.
Details from a wall painting in a room engraved in the Akronyri settlement of the Bronze Age in Santorini, Greece. Credit: smial, public domain
Foreign pottery and other household items showed that the people of the Bronze Age Akrotiri traded widely with other cultures of the Greek Archipelago in the Bronze Age. The island sat in a beneficial location for trade with the powerful Minoan civilization centered on Crete, 120 kilometers (75 miles) to the south.
But the traces of the distinctive arts of Akrotiris do not appear in the archaeological record of Crete or other neighboring islands after the explosion. It’s as if people just disappeared.
Warning signs
The University of Hawaii at the volcanologist in Manoa Christa Evans believes that the Akrotiri people have probably responded to a series of minor eruptions that preceded the main event. Materials from preliminary volcanic burping can be found both within the archaeological site and in geological deposits around the island.
The geologic record indicates that Akrotiris would have gotten used to earthquakes, but a 40 km-high eruption pillar raining pumice and ash was likely new and terrifying. But a 40-kilometer eruption that rains pumice and ash was potentially new and terrifying. Evidence of arrangement in some buildings indicates that some people left and returned to start cleaning, then fled again during a subsequent pulse of volcanic activity.
It was wise to leave. The major volcanic event has been one of the largest in the past 10,000 years, on the scale of the 1815 eruption on Mount Tamboura, with similar climate impacts worldwide. It was difficult to determine the history of the Thira eruption, sometimes called the Minoan eruption, which led to fierce discussions about its place in the historical record. The caldera collapsed and was submerged, leaving the island in shrapnel. As happened during the 1883 revolution in Krakatau, heat-density flows of hot ash and gas struck water, causing a tsunami that destroyed the Crete coast and possibly precipitated the fall of the Minoan civilization.
But it is another observation by witnesses to the eruption of the Krakatau volcano in 1883 which Evans believes may be crucial to the fate of Akrotiris: thermal flows can flow through water.
Thira eruptions created massive amounts of pumice, volcanic rock light and porous enough to float on the water, gathering in dense rafts, such as those mentioned above that were faced by the Finely Finished yacht in August 2019, near the Vava’u Islands group in Tonga in the South Pacific. Ancient Akrotiri residents may have encountered these floating rocks as they fled the boat eruption.
In episode 33 of Episode Three of the Sun, Evans describes how you think Akrotiri residents probably fled south with a boat towards Crete, perhaps rowing in spite of inches of floating pumice, and what their eruptive models indicate may be their fate.
—LizaLester, Media Relations Specialist, AGU
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