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Esther Salas has been described as a “antifeminist” lawyer for a serious shooting at a court house


Federal authorities said Monday that Den Hollander, the husband and son of a U.S. District Court judge named Esther Salas, had been shot in northern Brunswick, New Jersey. The FBI called Den Hollander “the main subject” and said he was dead. Two law enforcement sources told CNN that the suspect was killed in a self-inflicted gunshot wound. On his website, Roy Den Hollander described himself as an “anti-feminist” lawyer who defended “men’s rights”. His personal writings and works of life show a toxic streak of sexist and racist bigotry. She unsuccessfully filed lawsuits against the bar and nightclubs, offering “ladies nights,” claiming they violated Act 14, and filed lawsuits against the federal government for the constitutionality of her Violence Against Women Act – Women’s Fraud Act; “as she mentions – and against Columbia University for the Women’s Studies Program. #CNN #Notes



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