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The study concluded that the closure of coronavirus causes an unprecedented decrease in human activity


The report, published in Science, contains an unusually large group of authors: 76 scientists from 27 countries, ranging from Norway to New Zealand. The tools tell a consistent story: the Earth’s surface became unusually quiet and calm as the virus accelerated across the planet earlier this year. Because of the epidemiological activity of coronavirus, human activity dwindled as countries began to close their economies and urged people to engage in social divergence.

“Don’t expect a disease to appear on an earthquake scale,” said Celeste Lapidis, a co-author of the report, who is a PhD student in geophysics at the California Institute of Technology.

The study collected data from 268 research stations and saw the effect of closures almost everywhere. Reports were received from Turkey, Chile, Costa Rica, Canada, Australia, Iran and even from small Luxembourg, in addition to many other countries. Some seismometers are located in crowded urban centers and university universities. But others are in remote desert or mountain sites.

The effect was most dramatic in Sri Lanka, where the station saw a 50 percent decrease in background noise. At Central Park in New York City, the drop at night was 10 percent. Remote sites have not experienced the shutdown effect because they are not naturally beaten by human activity.

The researchers wrote that this new database could help scientists better distinguish faint natural tremors from those caused by human activity. Beyond that, it can be a tool for monitoring activity during epidemics.

Mobile data provides a powerful way to monitor the degree to which people resort to their place, social exclusion, and limit their interactions. But this has raised privacy concerns, although the data is anonymous. Seismic data is anonymous in nature because there is no way to know who or what is generating energy waves.

The authors write that such seismic observation can serve as a technique for monitoring human activity “with less potential privacy concerns than navigation data”. “Additionally, industrial activities may not be recorded in mobility data, but leave the signature of seismic noise.”

Susan Ho, an American seismologist in the US Geological Survey that was not part of the research, said that previous studies looked at human sources of seismic noise, including trucks, trains, and factories, so this latest report is not surprising: “We are impacting a planet. We don’t We walk lightly. We make earthquakes through various activities. They generate vibrations that you can capture on seismometers. ”

Geophysics uses seismometers to study the motion of the Earth. When a fault breaks on or below the surface of the Earth and causes an earthquake, energy is released in waves that shake the Earth. To a lesser extent, a similar thing happens when a FedEx truck crashes on the brakes – it sends a pulse of energy to the ground.

A person with a seismometer will leave a noticeable height on the seismograph. The rises on these charts are always shortened in the early hours of the night as massive human activity causes landing.

In Yellowstone National Park, the seismograph near the Old Visitor Center faithfully records groundwater vibrations in about 20 minutes before the explosion. Geologist Robert Smith of the University of Utah said that this natural signal is deeply overwhelmed by human vibrations when they race to see the eruption of the heater and then head toward the visitor center.

Smith, who was not part of the research, said the science report was a “very unusual paper” and had never seen geophysical research in such a way associated with a biological event.

The scientist who studies the Earth’s natural tremors must cast background noise from all the people who trample around it. Lapids said that the installation of tools is usually accompanied by a “stomp test” to see how easily the tool can capture the energy released by people in the vicinity.

The fact that the closures resulted in a decrease in “noise” is not in itself surprising. But the scale of the impact was remarkable and inspired a spontaneous team effort from the scientific community.

Thomas Lowcock, a scientist at the Royal Observatory in Belgium and the lead author of the science report, posted on Twitter the low seismic noise on the tools he was observing. Other scholars from around the world followed, including Labedz.

“I started on social media with some social seismologists and moved on to a really cool global data set,” said Lapidis.

Quinn van Nouten, another geologist at the Royal Observatory of Belgium and co-author of the study, said in an email that the results unite the highly sparse seismic community.

He wrote, “Although I stay at home isolated, I have never felt this profession worldwide.”

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