Seismologists found a surprising benefit from the closure
COVID-19 reduced the “clatter” of human activity as the number of people traveling in cities and Earth’s crust decreases less. Scientists have found that data recorded during the lull period can help us detect earthquakes in cities much sooner.
Usually, vibrations from people, cars, trains, and buses traveling across urban areas vibrate so much that they can be detected by seismometers. These sensors are used to detect earthquake early warning signs and to study the movement of the Earth’s crust.
But a series of studies, led by researchers at the Royal Observatory in Belgium, showed that over the past few months, this noise has decreased by up to 50 percent.
Through data collected from 268 research stations in 117 countries, the study showed that the quiet period began in January in China and spread all over the world. With the introduction of closure procedures, we drove less and the vibrations caused by human activity began to calm down.
The authors of the paper wrote: “The seismic calm period of 2020 is the longest and most prominent global reduction of recorded human seismic noise.”
Why is this important?
This long period of calm allowed scientists to do some things that they usually wouldn’t do when human activity is at its normal levels.
In densely populated areas, humans can “reduce” the ability to reduce the effectiveness of earthquake early detection systems. Seismologists often have to filter out the sound frequencies that are usually created by many people who do their daily work in order to find stimulating signs that indicate a natural disaster may be on its way.
The research says: “As the global population increases, more and more people are exposed to natural and induced geographical hazards.” “Urbanization will increase anthropogenic noise in exposed areas, further complicating seismic observation.”
The paper highlights one example of the ability to detect an earthquake earlier than usual in Petatlan, Mexico during closure. Noise has been reduced by 40 percent in the city which means that new sets of sensors, which are usually affected by city vibrations, record data about the event.
Scientists are looking to use this data to determine the activity that causes the type of vibration and how this is spreading across the city. They can use information from the 2020 lull as a baseline that helps them pinpoint things like building sites or busy roads that interfere with measurements.
It is hoped that this comparison will then allow them to filter human activity more effectively and better detect potential dangerous vibrations in urban areas. Something they say is getting more important as the population grows and the densely populated areas become more widespread.
Individual actions create wider benefits
In April, Dr. Thomas Leuk, the scientist who led the new research, told The Independent that reducing “human rumble” could teach us more about taking action on other parts of the environment. Although these look like individual actions, for example staying home during the shutdown or in the future choosing to take an alternative means of transportation instead of your car, it does have a huge impact.
From the viewpoint of seismologists such as Dr. Lecoq, teamwork has had a significant and measurable impact on human noise. It is believed to provide evidence that seemingly small individual actions can be beneficial to the environment.
He said: “The reason for returning home is horrifying, but in the future, perhaps, some critical people will change their ways, and avoid moving in one car.”
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